Saturday, August 31, 2019

Is Having a Sibling a Blessing or a Curse?

I am sure that most of you have brothers or sisters. And I am sure that this same thought must have occurred to you at one time or another. How many of you have lost your toys, clothes or something that you loved very much to your brother or sister? How many of you wish that you were the only child of the family? Welcome to the world of siblings. From the moment our parents announce that there is to be a new baby in the family, we are expected to go through a lot of adjustments.The first and foremost is sharing. Sharing of our dear parents, our rooms, our toys, our favorite foods and so on. The second is comparison. The parents, teachers and sometimes even relatives start to compare the siblings. The comparison may be regarding our character, behavior, studies, coloring etc. The often repeated words in many houses is â€Å"Why can’t you be like your brother or sister? See how good they are. You should learn from them. † The third is favoritism. Many parents have a favor ite child.It may be because they remind them of their favorite person, like their parents or siblings. Or maybe because that child loves them unconditionally. However, this causes the less loved child to regard the other as a rival. One of the favorite things our siblings like to do is to find out and tell our secrets to the very people we try to keep it secret from. They like to boast their own achievements and put down ours. But, not everything about having a sibling is bad. They are generally there for us when we need them.We can always depend on them when we are in some difficult situation. They sometimes save us from punishments and retributions, if they feel sorry for us. Of course they might need a bribe or some sort of favor after-wards. If your sibling is older than you, he/she would have paved the way for you in school, tuition and sports. If they are younger than you, you can and probably will boss them around and make them do what you want. There is a Chinese proverb tha t translates as â€Å"You don’t realize the value of a thing until you lose it. All of you are doing your A levels next year. After that most of you will leave the country for higher studies. This means you will be alone, without your family in some unknown location for 4 or 5 years. And I am sure that even though you will miss your parents, you will miss your siblings more. You will miss the shared space, shared confidence and secrets that united you. So I sincerely hope that you will enjoy your blessings while you can and treat your siblings better.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Obsession essay Essay

Some call it dedication, others call it psychotic. I prefer to think of obsession as a part of life. The definition of obsession which is found on The Free Dictionary is the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc. Obsession can be determined by people around us. Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion. Obsession and addiction are so closely tied together. They both are almost exactly the same except for one factor; control. Being obsessed over something simply means that they are still in control of their habit; on the other hand, addiction is the state being enslaved to a habit or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. So it is seen that although they are very closely linked they are not the same. Obsession is the gate way to addiction. Personally, I have been accused of being obsessed over lacrosse. All I could think about of every day is something about lacrosse. My mind was wrapped around lacrosse like a candy wrapper on a piece of candy. Every time I had free time, I went outside and played lacrosse. At the time I did not believe I was obsessed over the issue, I simply thought of it as dedication. My parents confronted my issue to me, and right then and there is when I realized that I truly had an obsession. Obsession becomes a beast all in itself. Obsession can cloud someone’s judgment and can potentially lead a person off the track of their own goal. When someone is obsessed over something, then the only important thing in their life is the obsession. If one does not fulfill this need, then different effects may happen. Either one will perceive to their obsession, or they will realize that they have an obsession and stop in what they are doing. Power is something else we do not understand about obsession. Obsession takes root so easily and can quickly spread to become something more. Therefore it is not something to play around with because when it is excited, it will grow and grow until it has reached the top. At that point, obsession can only bring out the worst in a person. Obsession is a feeling and not an emotion. An emotion is a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. A feeling is just expressing an emotion. Obsession can be shown through jealousy, love etc. Emotions are on the inside, while feelings are shown to other people on the outside. Obsession is not born by itself; it is born from the person’s mind. Obsession is born from that person’s wants and needs. Anybody can have an obsession, and actually it is only a matter of time when someone will have an obsession. Humans are lustful creatures and we all have needs and wants and therefore we all have obsession. Obsession does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing. A person can be obsessed with something good like school. One could be obsessed over school and everyone else would classify that person as a nerd. Also, one could be obsessed over God, and others would classify that person as a Jesus freak. In the end, people do not classify nerds or Jesus freaks as having an obsession or addiction. They are viewed as having a passion for school or Jesus. A passion is a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion and obsession is pretty much the exact same thing. They both have the same context meaning. The only difference is that passion is a good obsession, and obsession is a bad passion. All in all, the term obsession is used as being negative. Obsession is the domination of thoughts by ideas or images. The state of being obsessed over something can fog up someone’s true thoughts of how they feel. When I was in love with lacrosse, my parents told me that I was obsessed with lacrosse and that I needed to realize what was happening. However, now that I look back on it, I believe that I had a passion for the sport. Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 13

Research Paper Example One long term goal of therapy is minimization of death or mortality. Death often occurs when a heart-related complication arises. Strokes and heart disease ought to be kept at bay. Another long-term goal of this treatment plan is to decrease complications at the macro and micro vascular levels. Peripheral vascular disease, stroke and heart disease are macro vascular while retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy are micro vascular complications. Short term goals for treatment include control and monitoring of blood glucose by the patient. Ellen should strive to have at least 50% of her glucose levels within the target range. Tight glycemic control is necessary in order to minimize the onset of micro vascular complications. Glycohemoglobin ought to be monitored within the patient. Sometimes, the oxygen transporter in the blood may combine with glucose inside the blood to lead to the latter condition. This reaction is relatively common in all humans; however, extreme cases may be detrimental to a diabetic patient’s well-being. The aim of therapy is to keep these quantities below 7%. If the patient consumes food with high carbohydrates, then it is likely that her glycohemoglobin will be high. The component of blood that carries oxygen will continue to combine with glucose if blood sugar levels are persistently elevated. A test designed to measure this element can assist Ellen in determining how well she is controlling her diabetes. Therefore, the patient ought to carry out this test after three months. Frequency of testing can be reduced once the patient has mastered glucose levels for over a year (Melmed et. al., 2011). Another short term goal of therapy is to minimize incidences of hypoglycemia. Usually, hypoglycemia results when blood glucose levels are less than 60mg/dl for those without symptoms and less than 70mg/dl for those with symptoms of hypoglycemia (American Diabetes Association, 2013). Hypoglycemia arises when the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Financial Report- Halliburton Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Report- Halliburton Company - Essay Example that participated in auditing Halliburton Company were KPMG LLP, Auditors included through there auditing conveyed that the company had to fully disclosure its financial statements. The public companies must be audited because most of them engage in corruption and misuse of public fund. Therefore they must be audited to give out assurance. 5. Halliburton Company used cash basis accounting. From its Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows it has shown clearly that operating activities amount $ 3654, investment activities shown that , $ (3,688) and the financial activities amounted $( 9172). These activities show that the transaction was in cash basis. 6. The following were items that accompanied Halliburton company financial statement: accounting policies description of the company which helps to the investors to evaluate their financial stability through calculation of assets and liabilities. The people who invested in Halliburton Company are assured of high profit either in long term and short term periods. Also they are assured of proper record keeping (Risdon, & Alvarez2011). 7. Halliburton annual report differs from one another in a way that they need reconciliation statement. In compressive income statement if differs with cash flows statement. In order for them to balance, they articulate the following transaction was required. 9. Working capital can be defined as a financial analysis which characterizes operation available to a company, organization or other entities such as public and government entities or private (Broody, 2004). Liquidity ratio establishes a relationship between cash and other current asset to n current obligation. In Halliburton company , it has his current ratio which it may leads to idle assets that earn nothing and also may lead to theft in small quantities (Pinto, 2010). 10. For the two recent years (2012 and 2011), are Halliburton company’s assets where financed by debtors or the owner’s equity? Explain and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Fly Dubai Airline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Fly Dubai Airline - Essay Example Reference is made, as an example, to a specific company, the Fly Dubai airline. The above firm’s services are described and evaluated so that the concept of quality of services, as applied in modern firms, is fully understood. 1.2 Service firms, description and types The key objective of service firms is the provision of services of various types to the public. Different criteria have been used in the literature for describing service firms. According to Faulkner & Campbell (2006) service firms ‘are concerned with providing customers with an experience’ (Faulkner & Campbell 2006, p.504). Moreover, Jin (2005) notes that the service firms represent a high percentage, about 60%, of ‘the markets of developed countries’ (Jin 2005, p.37). ... The first category incorporates those firms providing services directly to the consumers, such as a hairdressing; the second category incorporates a high range of service firms, including firms offering legal, accounting or advertising services (Onkvisit & Shaw 2004, p.300). 2.0 Fly Dubai airline 2.1 Profile and business activities of the company Fly Dubai is a low cost airline based in Dubai (Fly Dubai 2012). The firm was established in 2008 (Fly Dubai 2012). The firm offers a wide range of destinations, including India, Kuwait, Syria, Egypt and Jordan (Fly Dubai 2012). Recently, the firm ordered 54 new aircrafts, which, along with the firm’s existing aircrafts, will help the firm’s fleet to significantly increased (Fly Dubai 2012). 2.2 Quality of service delivered by the company In Fly Dubai, the quality of services is among the organization’s objectives. Still, failures have not been avoided. According to a Customer Scoring published by SkyTrax in 2012, Fly Du bai is scored with 6.7 out of 10 in regard to the quality of its services (Figure 1, Appendix). Different reasons are used for justifying the above score: for example, one of the customers, the first in the list of customers participated in the relevant scoring, highlights the delay in departure as one of the firm’s major problems (Sky Trax 2012); himself, he faced a delay of 5hrs when decided to travel using Fly Dubai (Sky Trax 2012). Another customer, 5th in the list, notes that customer service in Fly Dubai is ‘non-existent’ (Sky Trax 2012). Again, the delay in departure, as resulted to the missing of the connection flight, is highlighted as the firm’s key problem (Sky Trax

Monday, August 26, 2019

Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Motivation - Essay Example Like other doctorate students, I joined the Walden University to pursue a doctorate in Business Administration-Healthcare Management. After my undergraduate studies, I thought that I had obtained all the knowledge that I needed to survive in the real world. However, I later realized that a single degree was not sufficient for me to handle the emerging and dynamic challenges of life. I realized that there were many concepts that were unfamiliar to me, and my desire for continued physical and intellectual stimulation was still hot in my mind. Further, there was a strong need to push myself beyond the limits by breaking through the challenges of doctorate education, and strengthen my coping capacities because education can become frustrating at times. According to Mujtaba et al. (2006), the comprehensive dissertation process and the complex exams are the climax of doctorate degrees. They consume a substantial amount of a student’s time and resources before successful completion. Doctorate studies increase the job potential of an individual  by orienting a student to research of high education, and business language and vocabularies (Mujtaba et al., 2006). Business administration course is a comprehensive field, which has many vocabularies and conceptual language that only experts can understand. Healthcare management is another complex field that requires people who are highly trained and competent professionals to run the activities in this field. My chief motivation for pursuing a doctorate in this field was the increasing demand for effective management of healthcare resources. This will ensure that citizens of this nation receive high quality health services, which will facilitate a decrease in the number of deaths caused by poor management. During the course of my study, I expect to gain sufficient insights into administrative concept like strategic planning, strategic production, distribution and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Absorption Costing versus Variable Costing Essay

Absorption Costing versus Variable Costing - Essay Example Adopting absorption costing and variable costing by a firm is not considered mandatory however. They are essentially tools for the management to assess profitability. Absorption costing broadly refers to the manufacturing costs which get absorbed by a unit of product that is manufactured (Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 2003). Absorption costs include raw material costs, labour costs, fixed and variable manufacturing expenses. The absorption costing system includes taking into consideration all types of fixed and variable costs and allocating the same under different heads and accordingly estimating the overall costs of the product (Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 2003). A product, in the course of its manufacturing may absorb a number of different types of costs. As per the regulations of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Priniciples), it is essential that the firm recognizes the value of its inventory on the basis of absorption costing (Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 2003). However these costs are not recognized till the firm sells the goods and revenues are earned. They are not recognized when an entity makes payment for the same and therefore remai ns in the inventory cost as an asset (Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, 2003). Variable costing is considered to be suitable a management tool for assessing efficiency. It is often used as an alternative for absorption costing. GAAP does not allow the usage of variable costing for estimating the cost of production. However, managers are seen to use the same for assessing internal operations affectivity. The variable costing technique includes only the variable production costs. Fixed manufacturing expenses under this method are treated as period cost and are deducted from the income earned during the period (Hilton, 1994). Absorption costing is seen to be useful when all manufactured

The right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror Essay

The right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror - Essay Example There had been no requirement of producing the body of the person with the cause of detention which never had been the case before. It was only for ordering an officer to produce the defendant and not for the purpose of scrutinizing the cause of detention by the court. There has been a mistaken impression that habeas corpus had been originally for the purpose of bringing people to custody and not to set them free. Actually, it was not for making arrest but to ensure the physical presence of a person to the court on the appointed day. However, the use of habeas corpus was not originally associated with liberty and it was a procedural requirement by which courts used to insist on the presence of the person to decide the matter relating to him. It was only with the enactment of Habeas Corpus Act 1640 that power of detention by the king was removed and abolition of all conciliar courts including Star Chamber was made. It was for the specific purpose of availing the right of habeas corpus by the detained persons requiring the King or Council to produce them before the court without delay and with a statement for reasons of imprisonment. The court was required to pronounce its verdict about the legality of the detention within three days and grant bail, discharge or remand the arrestee as it thought fit. A judge failing in this regard was liable to pay fines and damages to the aggrieved party. As the Habeas Corpus Act 1640 was not effective and the judges were not bold enough to contradict the king’s power of detention, the Habeas Corpus Act was 1679 was enacted. This Act was applicable to only criminal cases. This enactment marked the emergence of writ in its modern form (Zellick, Farbey, Sharpe, & Simon, 2011). Thus, the writ of habeas corpus has been an instrument against the unlimited executive power of detention first in England and then in the United

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strategic Management Unit 2 DB SA Fourth Week Essay

Strategic Management Unit 2 DB SA Fourth Week - Essay Example Brian Moore is an example of good strategic management that can be emulated by other industries. Although it was unethical for him to stretch the truth to get the job at Footlocker, his hard work was quite apparent. At Saucony, for instance, he resettled the strategy of performance running and classic business strategy (SGB, 2009). Even more encouraging was his belief in teamwork to accomplish organizational tasks successfully. To Moore, an individual is as good as individuals around him (SGB, 2009). Furthermore, he favors consistency and creativity for success. These are fundamental, sincere and valid beliefs that can see the management of different industries successful. Like Footlocker, Finish Line is a company dealing in shoes. The company considers shoes as very important assets in everyone’s that should be at the heart of every person. Shoes go with people to and from various places and are central to customization culture in America. Now, more than ever, consumers need custom-made shoes (Creamer, 2004). Besides, they want original and not counterfeit products which are of high quality. The company realized it was lagging behind and signed the Heavy, a co-opt New York Boutique Branding Agency in an attempt to see it improve to heights of success. This was a bold step on the part of Finish Line. Creamer, M., (2004). Footlocker Shoe Store-Sneaker Maker Takes to Tuners. Retrieved from AIU Online Library-EBSCO, Vol. 75, Issue 43, pg. (6). Whvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=buh&AN=14881951 SGB, (2009). Footlocker Shoe Store-Brian Moore. Retrieved from AIU Online Library-EBSCO, Vol. 42, Issue 4, pg. (40).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Expansion by Foreign Direct Investment in European Countries Dissertation - 2

Expansion by Foreign Direct Investment in European Countries - Dissertation Example The establishing of the transition state and their re-entry into the international market saw a phenomenal drive for privatization which necessarily required capital investments together with business and management assistance each of which are specifically FDI oriented.   Moreover, these transition states not only provide a stable supply of low labor costs they are both geographically and politically close to Western Europe.   Certainly, these factors ought to be appealing to FDIs.   Even so, the international expansion of Europe by FDIs has not developed as expected.   With the expectation that a number of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries will eventually become members of the European Union, several questions relative to the impacts of international expansion in Europe arise.   The first question is whether or not this prospect will contribute to European internationalization via FDI.   This paper investigates this question since Europe represents a unique conglomeration of developed and developing countries, an essential feature of the internationalization.   The main objective is to ensure that developing countries share in international capital flows.   Another relevant question for investigation is whether or not FDIs will introduce the skill and capital necessary for modernizing CEEs in Europe or will it encourage monopolies and rent-seeking practices.   If the FDI can be beneficial in terms of internationalization in Europe, what factors are essentially fueling its development and growth and what can European countries do to make the FDI more appealing? Ideally, the impact of internationalization by FDI in Europe should be the supply of cheap labor with a reciprocal infusion of capital for the funding of privatization and industrialization.   In this regard, Western European and other foreign companies would assist in the transitioning of these socialist states to open-market economies by not only providing investment capital, but by virtue of technology and management transfers.   This is the intended consequence of economic integration under the auspices of internationalization.   More importantly, this is the way forward if Europe intends to achieve its goal of becoming a global economy.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Examinations Essay Essay Example for Free

Examinations Essay Essay Certain forms of rhetoric may seem like they are set in concrete, but this is not true. The 75 Readings essays â€Å"The Plague,† â€Å"Once More to the Lake,† and â€Å"Talk in the Intimate Relationship: His and Hers† are labeled as a narrative, a description and an exposition respectively. The essays are much like human beings in that, labels are no more than mere words that help divide them into certain categories that they only kind of fit into. The lines that divide essays into their categories are fuzzy line a misty morning in that a narrative may also be an exposition. The essays from 75 Readings do not have to be labeled so strictly for they can be viewed as any other form of rhetoric. An example of a narrative that could also be an exposition would be â€Å"The Plague† written by Barbara Tuchman. Expositions contain a process, an example, and compare/contrast. â€Å"The Plague† shows a process with the succession of the black plague. Tuchman charts out how the plague spread across Europe. Examples are common in expositions, such as when Tuchman says, â€Å"In Siena, where more than half the inhabitants died of the plague, work was abandoned on the great cathedral, planned to be the largest in the world, and never resumed, owing to loss of workers and master masons and ‘the melancholy and grief’ of the survivors† (Tuchman 28). There is also a definite compare and contrast, in which Tuchman compares and contrasts the different ways the plague effected different parts of Europe. Like how in Paris, France the nuns of Hotel Dieu tended the sick without fear of dying themselves while in Piazza, Sicily priests did not attend church to hear their flocks confessions because of their fear of death. As with â€Å"The Plague†, the essay â€Å"Once More to the Lake† can be labeled as another form of rhetoric. â€Å"Once More to the Lake† written by E. B. White is labeled as a descriptive; however, it could also be labeled as a narrative. A narrative must have, at least, a point of view, characters and a logical arrangement. The point of view is in the first person, the story is told from the narrators’ point of view, â€Å"On the journey over to the lake I began to wonder what it would be like† (White 42). White also uses characters, mainly the narrator, his son, and the narrators’ father. Another aspect of a narrative is a logical arrangement; White’s logical arrangement follows the narrators thinking process. As the narrator switches between real time nd memories, we the readers follow his thinking process just as we would with the logical arrangement of any other narrative. Sure this form of logical arrangement is slightly confusing and difficult to recognize memory from reality and possibly suggests that the narrator has the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s or perhaps simply a few too many hits to the head. Finally, the essay labeled as an exposition, â€Å"Talk in the Intimate Relationship: His and Hers,† by Deborah Tannen, can also be a seen as a description. A description is known for its logical arrangement, sensory language, and objective or subjective perspective. The logical arrangement in this essay follows the different scenarios with dialogue between two individuals, one male and one female. One example of logical arrangement that Tannen uses would be the scenario where Sylvia and Henry are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary and there is an issue with the cake. Tannens use of sensory language in the fiftieth anniversary scenario is subtle at best. There is just enough there to provide a scene for each scenario that Tannen uses. The essay has an objective perspective, since Tannen analyzes the conversation from the view of a scientist, to whom nothing is personal. From 75 Reading the essays â€Å"The Plague,† â€Å"Once More to the Lake,† and â€Å"Talk in the Intimate Relationship: His and Hers,† are more commonly labeled as a narrative, a description, and an exposition. These essays must not be labeled as an exposition, a narrative and a descriptive, respectively. This does not have to be so. Much like a castle made of Legos, everything is interchangeable within the forms of rhetoric. Like how â€Å"The Plague† is not only a narrative but also an exposition while, â€Å"Once More to the Lake† is not simply a description but a narrative, and â€Å"Talk in the Intimate Relationship: His and Hers† cannot just be labeled as an exposition but as a description too. Forms of rhetoric are almost always interchangeable, like jewelry to a woman.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Location Analysis of Manufacturing Industries

Location Analysis of Manufacturing Industries LOCATOINAL ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACCESSIBILITY AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES A CASE STUDY OF ASABA Atubi, A. O. ABSTRACT Accessibility is a factor though not the determinant in defining a process of spatial organization of man c functional establishment. A case study relating road network with the pattern of manufacturing industries for selected areas in Asaba, 2003 reveals a weak relationship between accessibility and manufacturing industries. Graph theory approach was used to derive two types of accessibility measures. The first from connectivity matrix accessibility and the second from using valued graph. Simple correlation coefficients revealed weak correlation of 0.09 between accessibility and industries. Again a weak correlation coefficient of -0.05 was found between population potential and umber of industries. This weak relationship however, improved when multiple linear correlation analysis was applied and a fairly high result of 0.40 was achieved. Although high correlation values were got in the multiple linear correlation analysis, the weak values from simple correlation analysis indicates t hat aside from being a good surrogate of transport efficiency, accessibility is also a poor measure of the relative advantage of a given place in attracting to itself the centralization and specialization of human activities in Asaba, Delta State. Based on the findings, recommendations were proffered as this will bring about changes in the urban pattern leading to increase in the number of industries in a process of spatial re-organization. Keywords:Locational Analysis; Accessibility; Distribution; Manufacturing; Industries. INTRODUCTION Accessibility is an important geographical concept associated with relative location. Accessibility is not simply distance but involves time cost and effort used in travelling. Accessibility has been defined as the relative degree of ease with which a location is reached from other locations of ones home relative to other features of the wider physical environment is very important. The organization of every region is reflected in the transportation network (Atubi and Onokala, 2004a; Atubi and Onokala, 2004b). This there is a clear relationship between transportation and economic activities. Such economic activities like the location of industries have been the concern of scholars’ in recent times. It has even been more crucial in developing countries such as Nigeria where much is expected from these industries to augment the low output from agriculture. This concern is justified because the crucial choice of a suitable location may spell the differences between successes and failure (Hover, 1948). In recognition of this fact the process of localization of industries generally reflect a tendency to optimize place utility and maximize profit. However, real life experience has shown that this is not always the case. The interesting thing about industrial distribution is that industries tend to be concentrated in few urban centers. The concentration may be explained in terms of their possessing much of the market, raw materials, the best transport links and considerable labour force Nwafor, 1982, Atubi and Ugbomch, 2002). Usually, industrializations have well connected road network. In Nigeria for instance, over 95% of industrial establishments are found in urban centers which are also related to the countries rail and road system (Onyemelukwe, 1978). It has been observed that the distribution of manufacturing industries in all urban centers in Nigeria is uneven, despite the Federal Government policy of industrialization â€Å"promotion of nation wide indu strial development through industrial dispersal† (Industrial Policy of Nigeria, 1988). The relationship between transportation and regional development has engaged the attention of geographers over the years. The area at has attracted considerable attention is the use of graph theory. Graph theoretic measures have been used to determine the structural and geometrical properties of highway, rail and air networks. Also the relationship between network geometry and regional characteristics have been explored (Kansky, 1963, Kanaa, 1965) and a number of works have focused upon the problem of deriving effective measures of connectivity for urban nodes on the system (Garrison and Marble, 1964; Monanu and Hodgson, 1976; Atubi and Onokala, 2004a and b). On the other hand, Bardi, applying indices of accessibility in urban e:ers of former Bendel State of Nigeria finds that population concentration is not necessarily related to accessibility (Bardi, 1982). Contrary to this view, Gautheir accepted that a changing pattern of accessibility means change in incidence of growth of a center (Guatheir, 1970). Also Atubi and Onokala (2004a), in tracing the changing accessibility patterns of cnter in Lagos Island from 1976-1997 noted that a center gets more accessibility as the road network gets more connected. Locational theorists of classic time, in isolating the influence of transportation location choice, neither though of cost as not connected with money nor used graph theoretic approach in their study. In Nigeria, vast amount of researches have also been carried out on industrial location by various scholars. Vagale historically related traffic flow and transportation to industrialization in Nigeria (Vagale, 1971). Also, Onyemelukwe in his study of structural and locational characteristics of manufacturing industries in Nigeria analyzed the impact of transport on urbanization and industrialization (Onyemelukwe, 1978). Taffee et al, (1963) clearly implied the effect of t ransportation on industrial development using Ghana and Nigeria for illustration in their idealized process of transport development, they noted that transport development at a stage will lead to increased specialization and an expansion of market area of urban centers. Onokerhoraye (1981) also, examined the importance of transportation network in improving the accessibility of people living in various parts of Nigeria to essential public facilities/services like education, health services etc. He argued that since a lare proportion of the population of Nigeria are in rural areas (70%) thereby making it impossible for the attainment of the threshold required to support certain public facilities. There is therefore the need to improve the transportation network between where they are located with improved transport facilities, the accessibility of most people living in the rural areas of the country to the available public services will be increased while the proportion of those depr ived of the use of such facilities will be considerably reduced. However, Olagbaiye using population potential model analyzed manufacturing location in southern Nigeria, he observed Asaba Onitsha which were the highest peaks of population potential support one of tenants of location theory that a central location theory that a central location in a region maximizes accessibility to the market in that region (Olagbaiye, 1968). In delimiting the nodes to be considered, he used one or more of the following considerations political or administrative status, centrality of location, population size and commercial importance. STUDY AREA Asaba is a town situated in the Guinea savannah belt of Nigeria and is located on longitude 6o45E and latitude 6o3’N. It is situated along the bank of River Niger, and is the Headquarters of Oshimili South Local Government area (see fig. 1) of Delta State. Asaba is passed through by the federal highway, which, at the Niger is linked by a bridge with Onitsha in Anambra State. The town, Asaba which is the seat of government, has been in existence long before it was made the Headquarter of Delta State. it is a commercialized and industrialized town, and it shares common boundary with Okpanam and Ugobu in the North, Oko and Ibusa in the west, while the Niger washes the eastern and south eastern fringes of the town. The population of Asaba has rapidly increased since the creation of Delta State when it was made the headquarters and since then the rate of industrialization and urbanization is fast increasing. According to the federal office of statistics, the present population is e stimated to be about 81,768 people. MATERIALS AND METHOD OF ANALYSIS The accessibility indices from centers considered was derived from two methods. The first involved matrix multiplication of the connectivity matrix. The second involved the matrix multiplication of the distance matrix. Gamma and alpha indices was also used. The formula are written in the following form. Where e is Number is edges v is number of vertices The relationship between accessibility indices of manufacturing industries and the number of good roads and value of market potential is established by the Spearman’s rank correlation co-efficient. This is issued to test if the variation in one independent variable affects the variation in the second dependent variable. Also the multiple correlation is used to determine the degree of the relationship between all the variables. This is expressed by Where R = Multiple correlation 1.23 = Correlation between variables 1, 2 and 3 r= variable correlation r12= Correlation between I and 2 r13= 1 and3 r23 = 2and3 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS/FINDINGS For convenience the accessibility’ indices gotten from the connectivity matrix (Accessibility Matrix T) will be called Accessibility I while the shortest distance matrix will be called accessibility 2. (See Appendix I and 2). The relationship between accessibility and the number of manufacturing industries in the study area is positive because as the values of accessibility’ increases, the number of manufacturing industries increases. Also low correlation figure of 0.40 shows that this relationship is fairly weak. On the contrary, a high correlation of 0.70 was obtained at 95% confidence level between accessibility and wholesale activity’ in the United States (Janelle, 1969). The lower correlations gotten in the present work is a clear indication of the influence of deliberate planning and government intervention regardless of the effect of transport and other economic forces, in the location of manufacturing industries. Nigeria, in her development planning effor t is embracing industrialization as the main panacea for her development. Such hopes are based on the growth centre strategy, where certain centers get more attraction i.e. Nnebisi road with eight industries as observed in Appendix 3, while areas that arc not centrally located are ignored i.e. Isieke and Old Nit road. Also, since these areas are among old regional centers, the reasons for the absence of manufacturing industries might be due to the â€Å"strong tendency towards agglomeration† of the manufacturing industries of the old regional centers (Mabogunje, 1969). The possibility’ that industries would survive in small and young areas like old Nit road is low and industrialists hesitate sitting industries in such areas. The result is that existing industrial areas like Nnebisi road and Benin-Asaba express way provide a greater attraction to new industries as against a brand new location. A large part of this attraction is related to certain savings due to agglomer ation. â€Å"Thus a center with an early start in some industry has therefore a competitive advantage that it may maintain an increase even though the early start was due to poor chance (Hover, 1948).The fairly strong correlation figure of 0.40 goes a long way to show that there are other factors that tend to down play the influence of transportation location decisions i.e. political consideration. The figure can also he interpreted as an increase in the accessibility of any mode accounts for an average increase in the number of industries in Asaba. In other words, the distribution pattern of industries in Asaba is explained by an average measure, of the relative position of that center to the network system. The size of the population and therefore market within an area is closely related to the threshold level at which production might be expected. Thus the minimum size of the market is often a precondition for the development of an industry in a region. The relationship between distribution of manufacturing industries and population potential (market potential) in Asaba is extremely weak. The percentage variation is 99% and goes to show that 1% of manufacturing industies in Asaba can be explained by other factors. It seems reasonable to assume that manufacturing industries would fare best if they were located at those places which are most accessible to their customers. If this is to be so then places offering high degree of locational utility relative to other places should be dominant wholesale centers (Jarielle, 1969). The correlation coefficient of accessibility’ 1 and market potentials is 0.09. This means that an increase in accessibility’ leads to a very small increase in the market potential. On the contrary, similar work done in the United States have obtained a high correlation figure of 0.81 (Janeile, 1969). This high correlation in contrast to 0.09 in Asaba is understandable. This is because, Janelle used both locational utility wh ich include both accessibility and other locational factors that a site may enjoy. Also this study was done at a point in time i.e. 2003, while Janelle’s study was for a period of time. But the findings lend cautious support to the notion that, at least for manufacturing activity’, increase in accessibility is a useful surrogate for estimating specialization possible at a place. However, a multiple correlation coefficient was calculated with accessibility’ and population as the two independent variables and number of industries as dependent on the two variables (R1 .23) .A fairly’ high positive correlation of 0.40 was obtained. This means that an increase in the two dependent variables leads to an increase in the market potential. POLICY IMPLICATION For practical relevance, the state government at Asaba should direct their efforts towards the construction of good roads as this will bring about changes in the urban pattern, leading to increase in the number of industries in a process of spatial re-organization. Also, the government should direct their effort towards the optimum location of industries as well as promote and encourage industrial dispersal among various centers in Asaba. CONCLUSION Although, accessibility is related to the distribution of manufacturing industries in an urban center, it is not totally explained by the availability or lack of transport facilities (roads). in other words, transport plays a very negligible role in the distribution pattern of industries. Also, the weak relationship between accessibility and distribution of industries is due to the fact that some centers have locational advantages that far out-weight the importance of accessibility. Finally, the locational pattern of pre-Asaba has not changed significantly in sympathy with the accessibility trend, thus the importance of centers offering the greatest potential for transport oriented industries has not been fully recognised in Asaba. REFERENCES Atubi. A.O. and Onokala. P.C. (2004a): â€Å"The Accessibility of Centres to the Road Networks: the Case of Lagos Island, Lagos, Nigeria†. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Dynamics. Vol. 2, Pp. 140-151 Atubi. 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Janelle, D.G. (1969) Spatial reorganization: A Model and Concepts. Annals of Association of American Geographers, Vol. 59, pp., 348-364. Mabogunje, A.L. (1969) Urbanization in Nigeria. London. Monanu, P.C. and Hodgson, M.J. (1976) â€Å"Problems in the Application of Graph Theoretic Measures to Transport Network Growth: A case study of Alberta Highways†. New themes in Western Canadian Geography. The Langara papers. Bc Geographic series. No. 22 occasional papers in Geography. Nwafor, J.C. (1984) Manufacturing and Consumer Goods. In Nigeria jn mans, Barbour K.M. et al (eds) London, fodder and Stoughton. Olagbaiye, J.A. (1968) â€Å"Towards Manufacturing Locational Analysis in Southern Nigeria: A Population Potential Model†. Nigerian Geographical Journal, Vol. II, No. 1 Pp. 11-19. Onokerhjoraye, A.C. (1981) â€Å"The transportation system and the distribution of public services in Nigeria† Transportation in Nigerian National Development, (eds) S.C. Onakomaiya, and N.F. 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FIG. 1: MAP OF DELTA STATE SHOWING STUDY AREA Source: Ministry of Land and Survey, Asaba (2002) APPENDIX I 3 (Destination) S/N Origin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 à ¯Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å"f 1 Benin Asaba 0 29 26 42 31 29 31 35 20 35 21 40 35 44 40 45 43 50 47 68 721 2 Igbusa road 29 0 19 34 24 21 24 28 5 6 21 12 6 15 11 16 14 21 18 38 489 3 Illah road 26 19 0 20 5 11 5 11 6 16 13 19 15 19 23 22 27 34 33 51 373 4 Okpanam/Asaba road 42 34 20 0 18 20 24 24 20 35 39 34 43 35 48 27 44 51 50 68 676 5 Ibrahim Kefas crescent 31 24 5 14 0 7 10 14 11 25 33 23 37 24 42 26 45 51 48 68 548 6 Anwai road 29 21 11 18 7 0 17 20 18 31 38 30 42 31 47 33 50 56 53 63 615 7 West end 31 24 5 20 10 17 0 12 11 15 19 13 23 14 28 16 31 37 34 54 414 8 Nnebisi road 35 28 9 24 14 20 12 0 12 11 18 9 22 10 27 12 30 36 33 53 415 9 Old Nit road 20 5 6 20 11 18 11 12 0 1 7 7 11 8 16 10 19 25 22 42 291 10 Isicke 34 6 16 35 25 31 15 11 1 0 8 7 12 8 17 10 20 26 43 43 348 11 Onaje street 31 2 13 39 33 38 19 18 7 8 0 9 4 11 9 13 12 18 15 35 334 12 Ogbe Ilo Street 40 12 19 34 23 30 13 9 7 7 9 0 10 1 15 3 18 24 21 41 336 13 St. Bridges road 35 6 15 43 37 42 23 22 11 12 4 10 0 9 5 12 8 14 11 31 350 14 Onije kings street 44 15 19 35 24 31 14 10 8 8 11 1 9 0 14 4 17 24 21 41 350 15 Ezenei avenue 40 11 23 48 42 47 28 27 16 17 9 15 5 1 0 1 4 10 9 27 378 16 Cable point 45 16 22 37 36 33 16 12 10 10 13 3 12 4 1 0 7 18 10 30 320 17 College of education 43 14 27 44 45 50 31 30 19 20 12 18 8 18 4 7 0 6 3 23 422 18 Osadennis way 50 21 34 51 51 56 37 36 25 26 18 24 14 24 10 13 6 0 6 17 519 19 Osadennis high schl. Road 47 18 33 50 48 53 34 33 22 33 15 21 11 21 17 10 3 6 0 23 478 20 Onitsha Asaba road 68 38 51 68 68 63 54 53 42 43 35 41 31 41 27 30 23 17 23 0 816

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Study Of Food And Culture

A Study Of Food And Culture INTRODUCTION This assignment is basically based on gastronomy. In this assignment we need to discuss about gastronomy and its influences such as cultural, science sustainability and how they are influences buy gastronomy. How gastronomy is related with culture, transportation religion and many more things. MAIN BODY DEFINITION Gastronomy is the study of food and culture, with a particular focus on gourmet cuisine. Modern gastronomy has its roots in several French texts published in the 1800s, but the idea of relating food, science, society, and the arts has been around much longer. True gastronomy is a demanding multidisciplinary art examining food itself along with its context, presentation, freshness, and history. While commonly associated with gourmets and gluttony, gastronomy is actually its own discipline, although some gourmets are certainly gastronomes, as are some gluttons. The principle of gastronomy is that food is a science, in addition to an art form. By understanding how all of the senses contribute to an experience, a gastronome can more completely understand what is happening when a consumer claims to dislike or enjoy a particular food item. Gastronomy also examines the sociological implications of food, along with integrating other social science disciplines such as anthropology, psychology, and philosophy. The role of food in the fine arts such as performance art, painting, and sculpture is also examined, as part of a closer look at the role of food in society in general. INFLUENCE ON NATIONAL FOOD CULTURE People mostly connect to their cultural or ethnic group through food patterns. For Immigrants food now become the means of retaining their cultural identity. Each and every individual have different cultural backgrounds and have different eating habits. The ingredients, methods of preparation, preservation techniques, and types of food eaten at different meals are different among cultures. The areas and the climate factors in which families live- and geographical location where their ancestors originated also influence food likes and dislikes. These food preferences result in varieties of food choices within a different cultural or regional group. Food items themselves have meaning and some cultural identity attached to them. For example in many Western countries a box of chocolates would be viewed as an appropriate gift while in other countries chocolates might be a less appropriate gift. Different nations or countries are frequently associated with certain foods. For example, many people associate Italy with pizza and pasta but Italians eat many other foods, and types of pasta dishes are popular throughout Italy. Methods of preparation and types of food also vary by regions and culture of a nation. Some families in the United States prefer to eat meat and potatoes, but in some families meat and potatoes are not eaten on a regular basis, nor even preferred, by many in the United States, so would not be labelled as a national cuisine. Grits, a coarsely ground corn that is boiled, is eaten in the southern United States. A package of grits is only available in the largest supermarkets in the upper Midwest and its difficult to find even in large Midwestern supermarkets a long time ago. This may be called as the geographical effect. Regional food habits also exist in nations and countries but they also change by time. As people travel from place to place food habits and preferences are imported and exported. Families move to other nations, countries or places bringing their food preferences with them. They follow their old recipes with new ingredients available at different places or experiment with new recipes, incorporating ingredients to match their own tastes. In addition, food itself is imported from other countries. Nevertheless, what is considered edible or even a delicacy in some parts of the world might be considered inedible in other parts. Although most of the times food is selected with some attention to physical need, the values or beliefs by which society attaches to potential food items and define what families within a cultural group will eat. For example, both plant and animal sources may contribute to meeting nutritional requirements for protein; soybeans, beef, horsemeat, and dog meat are all adequate protein sources. Yet, due to the some values and beliefs attached to these protein sources, they are not considered in all societies. Moreover, even when the foods perceived to be undesirable are available, they are not eaten by people who have a strong emotional reaction against those potential food item. CULTURE AND RELIGION Types and food associated to British culture: British cuisine encompasses the cooking traditions of the British Isles. It reflects the cultural influence of the colonial era as well as post-war immigrations. British cuisine boasts of a rich variety of sumptuous dishes from its different regions. Staple foods include chicken, beef, pork, lamb and fish, served with potatoes and other vegetables. The most popular dishes are fish and chips, sandwiches, trifles, pies and roast As the result of both globalization and global environmental change food systems face dramatic transformations. Change in global environment influence the physical and socioeconomic conditions that underpin terrestrial and marine food systems., Globalization is also responsible for transforming the production and storage of food, , access to and consumption of food, and the quality and safety measures associated with food and eating habits. Both processes also have direct effects on agricultural production, livelihoods, and the agricultural economies as well. More important, both processes can take place at the same time and interacting to create dynamic conditions that influence vulnerability to both rapid and gradual environmental changes. Global environmental change affects food systems by various means such as, the loss of productive farmland, loss of biodiversity, and changing climate conditions, including increase in number of extreme climatic events such as droughts and floods. Globalization-related changes also include liberalization of trade in agriculture products which also spreads the eating and buying habits from different culture, and supports for agricultural production, expansion of the role of multinational corporations and supermarkets in food production and distribution, it also results in shifts toward urban and industrial land uses. Food is also considered an important part of religious observance and spiritual ritual of many faiths including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. The role and importance of food in cultural practices and religious beliefs is complex and varies among different communities. Any introduction to such a diversified and complex topic will not be able to explain each and everything. Here are some examples of some ways in which various religious groups considered food a vital part of their faith. Understanding the role of food in cultural and religious practice is an important part of showing respect and responding to needs of people from a range of religious communities. This understanding towards different food culture also helps in increasing art of food, adding dishes from different menus and also helps in increasing revenues from tourist from different cultures and traditions. However, it is important to not to make any assumptions about persons culture and beliefs. T he various faiths of Christianity include Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In this competitive and new era chefs (the main body of kitchen) are sometimes blamed of turning their kitchens very similar into scientific laboratories, theres no doubt that when they heat a piece of meat in the kitchen the reaction that takes place is a chemical reaction as in science labs. Science and cooking both are processes that have some rules and methods to follow and also go hand-in-hand, now more than ever before. The relation between science and cuisine is nothing new; we have several examples of this relation in past years as well. Studies such as chemistry, physics, biology and botany have always been closely related to cooking and also prove their existence in various terms. The terms molecular gastronomy and molecular cuisine become the topics of debates from a long time and the existence of science-based cuisine is also a controversial issue. To know about these terms in detail or to make the practical existence of such terms we need to consider or follow the approach adopted by chefs trained for such types of kitchens and other experts who want to know why things happen and have knowledge for their chemical reactions and which reaction is useful which is not. These types of kitchens and terms such as molecular gastronomy or cuisine will be no longer the topic of debates if they run under the guidance of their experts. Technology has dramatically improved and reshaped every part of our lives including kitchen standards as well. It doesnt left any aspect of our existence untouched. It also revolutionized the way we work, entertain ourselves and even change the concept of our eating and cooking patterns. The food industry has increasingly developed and modernized by adopting more advanced and latest technologies that can help us in bringing healthier, fresher and more varieties of food. In this modern era, the marketplace offers a vast variety of foods influenced by different people and cultures and we have a wide range to choose from, at a better quality and lower prices than in the past. With the introduction of new technologies and processes businesses can offer better products and services to the consumers in increasingly larger quantities and thus, satisfy a wider range of market. The same phenomenon works for the companies in the food industry. The expression nouvelle cuisine has been used several times in the course of the history of cooking, particularly in France in the middle of the eighteenth century. It was introduced to subordinate the practice of cooking to principles of chemistry that were to be established by Lavoisier later on. People had mixed feelings about it: for instance, Voltaire wrote I must say that my stomach does not at all agree with the nouvelle cuisine.' Today nouvelle cuisine refers to a trend of opinion that appeared in France in the 1960s. At the time, it caught on rapidly and was a great international success. Yet, as it got tangled up in its contradiction, it stopped being fashionable, and nowadays it has a negative connotation. In spite of that, it was an innovative and quite important movement, which brought about a revolution within the Grande cuisine whose lessons are still present in the grand chefs minds. LIFESTYLE, MEDIA AND INDIVIDUALS Today is the age of media; media is now become the backbone of every society and has a vital role in every field including kitchens as well. The universe of food-related blogs in particular is vast. It is estimated that there are at least 33,000 such blogs out there in cyberspace, but no one can give an exact or even approximate number of such blogs; this is one of the new and the widely using trend of the media. Some of the examples of Social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Stumble Upon and Blog Her provide valuable means for bloggers to connect with each other and share their content and views about different food ,ingredients ,recipes and methods , while food-specific communities such as Food Buzz (and countless others!) offer even more targeted networking. Add to these mix sites where users can post their reviews of restaurants, food shops and markets, such as Yelp, Chowhound and Trip Advisor and it becomes clear that the media space related to gastronomy is very wide and virtually endless. In addition means of television also plays a very vital role; there are many TV channels that telecast many cookery shows, travel guides and also provide information about different gastronomies. Media makes easy to travel with full information about the place to be visited. GEOGRAPHY AND TRANSPORTATION: As long as there has been food in existence, there has been gastronomy in some form or another. Questions regarding our eating habits have always been around: How can we add taste and make our food special? Which ingredients provide the best boost of energy? What types of foods have healing properties in them and how can we cultivate them to get more of it? Later on, cuisine became more specialized, and cooking books and apprenticeships are also developed to provide instruction on the preparation of different kinds of food. However, it wasnt until the 1800s that gastronomy started to develop as an actual field of study. Instead of simply learning how to make food, people began to focus on how dining could be an experience-how the senses interacted in order to create a whole meal to be enjoyed. Gastronomy is such a wide concept that no country can be away from its influence. There are many countries in which the influence of gastronomy and its related terms such as molecular gastronomy can be clearly seen. The main countries influenced by gastronomy are Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and many other European countries. The history and popularity of Indian food in Britain is now almost four hundred years old and it has not only affected the cuisine but also a great change in the United Kingdom but also in its native land. In this field of food the reports of occasional explorers play a great role but the story really starts with the arrival in Surat of the English merchants of the East India Company in 1608 and then again and more successfully in 1612. As with the explorers or merchants the influence of the British in India grew, so did the popularity of Indian food back in Britain, leading to the publishing of recipes and Indian ingredients and the creation of curry powder at commercial level in 1780? The introduction of curry on a menu was at the Coffee House in Norris Street, Haymarket, London in 1773 but the first establishment dedicated to Indian cuisine was the Hindostanee Coffee House at 34 George Street, Portman Square, London in 1809 as recorded in The Epicures Almanack. It was opened by Dean Mahomet (or Mohamed/Mahomed) (See article) from Patna, Bihar, India, via Cork in Ireland. He appreciated the all Indian things and also offered a house for the Nobility and Gentry where they might enjoy the Hookha with real Chilm tobacco and Indian dishes of the highest perfection with real Indian taste. He also considered the Indian chefs for the real Indian taste. As per UK gastronomy the growth of fast food is increasing day by day like people like fish and chips, burgers, KFC and many other fast food brands rather than having the proper meal. In which the quantity of vegetarian people is very less. As per the data and research people prefer organic food rather than other normal food. They are more conscious about healthy eating. The objective of food garnishing is, usually, to portray or to show the inherent beauty of food. And, just as when you are preparing food for eating, garnishing is one of the easiest and the important way of enhancing a dish for the camera. A garnish should be chosen very carefully, so that garnish can add just the right splash of colour in the dish, textural detail and/or height which really lifts the final image of the food. Some foods, such as mousses and soups can sometimes be difficult to capture their effect because of their flat and monotone surfaces. Adding a right and appropriate garnish makes it more attractive and also captures the eye of the customers. Sustainable agriculture as a means of the local farming is the practice of farming using principles of ecology, the study of relationships between organisms and their local environment. It has been defined as an integrated process of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will remain over the long term: in other words it is farming with natural resources. Conservation of natural resources is the main aim of this practice. This practice helps in satisfying human food and fibre needs of the people by natural way. Also helps in enhancing the environmental quality by understanding ecology system. It also proves beneficial in making the most efficient and appropriate use of non-renewable resources and integrate, natural biological cycles and controls. Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole by providing various agriculture related benefits and also helps in minimising the farming related expenses. CONCLUSION At the end of the assignment author would like to conclude gastronomy plays a vital role in the hospitality industry. Art and science of food is appreciated all over the world and is also considered as value added equipment for the hotel industry. Gastronomy is influence by many factors such as culture, beliefs science, media and many more. It is one of the emerging trends of each and every country. It is also used as a tool to attract tourist from different parts of the world. Gastronomy proves itself as a revenue generating tool for hospitality industry.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Lord of the Rings Essay -- literary Analysis, J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien was motivated by different elements in his life to write The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien was an admirable British writer and scholar best known for the author-illustrated children’s book The Hobbit and its adult sequel The Lord of the Rings (O’Neil 1529). The Hobbit is the biggest part of why he wrote The Lord of the Rings, along with every feature of his successful life. In 1930, Tolkien jotted a few enigmatic words about â€Å"a hobbit† on the back of an examination paper he was grading. â€Å"Names always generate a story in my mind,† he observed, and eventually he found out what hobbits were like (Rollyson 4462). The few words Tolkien jotted down led his imagination run wild and his mind hungry for more words. On September 21, 1937, Tolkien’s fantasy and children’s novel, The Hobbit was published (Rollyson 4456). Shortly after this novel was published, Tolkien’s publisher wrote him that his public would want to hear more about the hobbits next year. So in December, he began to construct a new book, The Lord of the Rings (O’Neil 1543). The Hobbit was one of the big things that made Tolkien keep writing, and it took him up to twelve years to write (O’Neil 1544). Everyone, even his friends and family wanted more. His personal life also encouraged him to write The Lord of the Rings, not only that, but just to write in general. His childhood played a significant part in his love and passion for writing. As a little boy, Tolkien has always been fascinated by different themes. The memory of his younger years at Sarehole, the happiest of his boyhood, gave him an abiding love of nature, which formed the basis for one of his principal concepts, â€Å"The inter-relations between the ‘noble’ and the ‘simple’† (Rollyson 4460). Tolkien... ...n England, where Tolkien found even more stirring ideas to include in The Lord of the Rings. The Inklings were a literary group that shared works together and influenced each other (O’Neil 1538). In the group, Tolkien had read bits and pieces of The Lord of the Rings to Lewis and others, each giving back affirmative remarks and urging comments to â€Å"keep going!†(Kellman 2598). The importance of the Inklings cannot be frazzled enough, especially the friendship with Lewis, who had been an astonishing inspiration on the work of The Lord of the Rings (Rollyson 4459). In conclusion, every element of Tolkien’s life has a spot in The Lord of the Rings. His love for themes and languages as a young boy, his World War experiences, his wife and kids love and passion, C.S. Lewis’s positive words, and the Inklings. Each may serve as having its own little chapter in the novel.

Rotavirus Essay -- Biology Protein Synthesis

Every year it kills approximately 1 Million children world wide. The invader sneakes in unnoticed, takes over, all the while increasing in number as it goes. These children are falling victim to a rotavirus responsible for severe pediatric diarrhea. This rotavirus takes over in the human digestive tract, invading its cells and hijacking its protein synthesis machinery. This inhibits normal protein production in favor of a virus army. Children affected by this have had no chance of recovery, but now a glimmer of hope is visible on the horizon-a cure, whose secret lies in the virus' unique structure-a tunnel, which, like the fate of the virus, could be sealed. So, what is the Rotavirus actually doing?? Our bodies consist of many, many cells. These cells make up our skin, our bones, our heart, liver, stomachs. Inside of every single cell is a protein synthesis factory containing a protein called eIF4G that produces the proteins that each tissue, organ and everything else needs to be whole and function correctly. When a Rotavirus infects a human being it affects the cells in the digestive tract causing severe diarrhea. Pediatric diarrhea caused by this Rotavirus is directly responsible for the death of 1 million children around the world. This picture illustrates normal protein synthesis (right) with host mRNA and abnormal protein synthesis (left). The poly-A tail and the PABP that are visible in the middle are part of the host machinery. The NSP3 on the far right is what the virus has in place of PABP.Reproduced with permission from Varani and Allain (2002) Nature Structural Biology, 9,158. During normal protein synthesis, the cell's machinery makes proteins using a template of its own DNA. This copy is known ... ...racts the viral NSP3 protein much like opposite poles of two magnets. Then... What's next?? The tunnel that was discovered as part of the NSP3 protein structure is the key to finding a cure for the virus that causes pediatric diarrhea. The viral protein functions by attracting the host mRNA into its tunnel much like a key would fit into a lock. If the lock is blocked the key cannot fit and the virus cannot replicate. This "blocker" is called an inhibitor. Inhibitors are used in modern day medicine to treat many illnesses by preventing the function of the invaders. Now that the structure has been discovered, the next step is to create a medication that will plug up the lock (viral NSP3's tunnel) and prevent the key (viral mRNA) from entering. This would effectively prevent viral takeover and putting a halt to suffering caused by pediatric diarrhea. Rotavirus Essay -- Biology Protein Synthesis Every year it kills approximately 1 Million children world wide. The invader sneakes in unnoticed, takes over, all the while increasing in number as it goes. These children are falling victim to a rotavirus responsible for severe pediatric diarrhea. This rotavirus takes over in the human digestive tract, invading its cells and hijacking its protein synthesis machinery. This inhibits normal protein production in favor of a virus army. Children affected by this have had no chance of recovery, but now a glimmer of hope is visible on the horizon-a cure, whose secret lies in the virus' unique structure-a tunnel, which, like the fate of the virus, could be sealed. So, what is the Rotavirus actually doing?? Our bodies consist of many, many cells. These cells make up our skin, our bones, our heart, liver, stomachs. Inside of every single cell is a protein synthesis factory containing a protein called eIF4G that produces the proteins that each tissue, organ and everything else needs to be whole and function correctly. When a Rotavirus infects a human being it affects the cells in the digestive tract causing severe diarrhea. Pediatric diarrhea caused by this Rotavirus is directly responsible for the death of 1 million children around the world. This picture illustrates normal protein synthesis (right) with host mRNA and abnormal protein synthesis (left). The poly-A tail and the PABP that are visible in the middle are part of the host machinery. The NSP3 on the far right is what the virus has in place of PABP.Reproduced with permission from Varani and Allain (2002) Nature Structural Biology, 9,158. During normal protein synthesis, the cell's machinery makes proteins using a template of its own DNA. This copy is known ... ...racts the viral NSP3 protein much like opposite poles of two magnets. Then... What's next?? The tunnel that was discovered as part of the NSP3 protein structure is the key to finding a cure for the virus that causes pediatric diarrhea. The viral protein functions by attracting the host mRNA into its tunnel much like a key would fit into a lock. If the lock is blocked the key cannot fit and the virus cannot replicate. This "blocker" is called an inhibitor. Inhibitors are used in modern day medicine to treat many illnesses by preventing the function of the invaders. Now that the structure has been discovered, the next step is to create a medication that will plug up the lock (viral NSP3's tunnel) and prevent the key (viral mRNA) from entering. This would effectively prevent viral takeover and putting a halt to suffering caused by pediatric diarrhea.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay -- argumentative essays

The Topic of Legalizing Marijuana has been a very conversational argumentative issue in the American society; moreover in the American politics today. There are many good arguments on why Marijuana should be Legalize and my argument is based on facts and supporting details to prove why Marijuana should be legalize. The Legalization of Marijuana would be profitable to our government and economy, according to Evan Wood who is the founder of the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy; The U.S taxpayers have spent an estimated $2.5 trillion on the war on drugs. The Legalization of Marijuana would have a medical use, and also useful in some religions; after all Legalizing Marijuana would eliminate the cost of keeping Marijuana illegal which cost the U.S government in excess of billions annually. The Legalization of Marijuana has been an ongoing battle for many years, it’s time to decriminalize Marijuana and Legalize it. Marijuana Composition is very complex and it has numerous Physiological effects and, it also has a potential wealth of health benefits. The Legalization of Marijuana, which is a Schedule I drug. Marijuana is the most illicit drug used in the United States. Doctors and Scientists have confirmed that the effects of Marijuana are short term and it also has been proven that it is less harmful than Alcohol. Marijuana should be legalize because of it Medical use, and Religion use, Legalizing Marijuana would also generate billions of dollars in revenues and taxes for the U.S government; whereas prohibiting Marijuana would cost tax payers billions of dollars every year. Marijuana has a Medical use, which people with certain health problems can benefit from if Marijuana is legalize. Marijuana can be used as a medicin... ...s proven to have medical usage and is far less dangerous than most drugs which are Legal, such as Tobacco and Alcohol. Individually people should have the right to decide whether or not they want to use Marijuana, excluding minors. In conclusion The Legalization of Marijuana would benefit the U.S government and it would be more effective in controlling the drug usage. The prohibition of Marijuana has only been costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year and it hasn’t benefited the Economy. The Education and treatment would be the effective way to address Marijuana problems, whereas The Legalization of Marijuana would benefit and boost our economy especially during this economic recession; therefore the Legalization of Marijuana may be the beginning United States Economy re-form; due to the fact that Marijuana Legalization would help subsidize our Economy.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck presents a totally pessimistic view of life where dreams offer the only escape? Essay

‘Guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world†¦with us it ain’t like that†¦because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you’. Perhaps of Mice and Men can be perceived as a totally pessimistic reflection of what life in 1930s America was like, but through the extraordinary relationship between George and Lennie and the natural dignity of Slim, a balance between the good and the bad, the happy and the unhappy is achieved. The parent-child relationship shared between George and Lennie throughout the novel is certainly a good thing. From the start of the novel, we see George as a responsible character, a parent substitute to Lennie, whose loyalty seems more through kindness than a sense of duty. He reminds Lennie that ‘(his) aunt Clara would like (him) running off by (himself)’ and even when he is severely provoked by Lennie to speak harshly to him, he soon feels guilty and apologises: ‘I been mean, ain’t I?’. Lennie, on the other hand, acts like a child, unaware of the hardships he and George face throughout the novel. He pleads with George to let him keep the rats he finds and needs George to repeat to him words and phrases so that he can remember them: ‘ â€Å"Lennie†¦you remember what I told you?† Lennie raised his elbow and his face contorted with thought’. Yet although George is Lennie’s ‘opposite’, he continues to care for him throughout the novel, even at the end when he chooses to end Lennie life himself rather than watch him suffer under the wrath of Curley; Lennie dies at the hand of the man he trusts, still believing in his dream, painlessly, happy and free: ‘Lennie jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay without quivering’. But perhaps it is this dream that makes this novel seem so pessimistic: it is what seemingly keeps them together yet at the end it is shattered, and with it, George and Lennie’s friendship comes to a shocking end. The dream is of a very small farm, ‘ a little place’, which they own themselves, a dream of working for themselves and of being the ones in charge: ‘If we don’t like a guy we can say: â€Å"Get the hell out,† and by God he’s got to do it’. It is powerful enough to draw in Candy and, temporally, even the cynical Crooks. Yet although this dream offers an escape from reality and even when the hope of freedom seemed possible, it is shattered and George is left with no other option but to shoot his one and only ally in the struggle against a society which finds it difficult to imagine than one can have a friend to share his fears and sorrows with: ‘†¦I never see one guy take so much trouble for another†¦Ã¢â‚¬â „¢ Perhaps Lennie’s death is down to fate and destiny, the fact that neither he nor George had any control over their lives, as reflected by Slim’s tender words at the end of the novel, ‘You hadda George. I swear you hadda’, or maybe it is in fact down to the rootless American society of the 1930s. So to conclude, although George and Lennie’s friendship and Slim’s natural dignity are two good things, Lennie’s death and the collapse of the dream he and George believed in at the end of the novel leads one to feel that, during the Depression, freedom and success were perhaps impossible to achieve. The ‘American Dream’, the key to American psychology, stated that great personal success could be gained by hard work and private success. Yet in truth many were not allowed to achieve this success. Such groups included itinerant workers and Black people who, in this novel, are represented by Crooks, a character openly referred to as ‘nigger’, which exemplifies the casual racism directed towards him by the others and although the ranch hands do not set out to insult him deliberately, the use of the term ‘nigger’ signals to us that black men like Crooks were constantly degraded both verbally and physically by whites. The story’s heart-rending conclusion leads one to realise that for most migrant workers, the reality of their social situation means that the ‘American Dream’ cannot be realised. This truth is reflected by the famous trial of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both Italian immigrants who realised the true force of society’s bias in the 1920s. Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted of the murder of a paymaster and his guard and the robbery of $15,776 from the Slater and Morrill Shoe factory and were later executed for their crimes. From the evidence and the obvious biased feelings toward immigrants, the case became one where their culture was on trial as opposed to their actions and thus they were bound to be found guilty. Instead of upholding the sacred judicial process cemented in the United States Constitution, the conviction of Sacco and Vanzetti resulted from the prejudice and discrimination of ‘old-stock’ Americans in the 1920’s. For Sacco and Vanzetti, their time was not an age of reason in American history. As â€Å"both were guilty and proudly so—- of a cultural crime†: â€Å"†¦My conviction is that I have suffered for things I am guilty of. I am suffering because I am a radical and indeed I am a radical; I have suffered because I was an Italian, and indeed I am an Italian; I have suffered more for my family and for my beloved than for myself; but I am so convinced to be right that if you could execute me two times, and if I could be reborn two other times, I would live again to do what I have done already.†

Friday, August 16, 2019

Digital Communication Essay

1. It is fast and easier.   2. No paper is wasted.   3. The messages can be stored in the device for longer times, without being damaged, unlike paper files that easily get damages or attacked by insects. 4. Digital communication can be done over large distances through internet and other things. 5. It is comparatively cheaper and the work which requires a lot of people can be done simply by one person as folders and other such facilities can be maintained. 6. It removes semantic barriers because the written data can be easily chaned to different languages using software. 7. It provides facilities like video conferencing which save a lot of time, money and effort. 1.Circutary becomes simpler than AC. 2.Highly resistive to noise as we are dealing with binary digits. 3.Highly secure. 4.Can travel long distances and can store data for long time. 5.AS we have regenerative repeaters & reconstruction filters in the receiver section we can extract original signal transmitted 6. Error correcting and detecting is easy. 7. A comman format is used for different kind of message signal such as speech signal and video signal. 8. Flexibility in configuring digital communication. digital hardware implimentation is flexible and permit the use of LSI. microprocessors anmd digital switches. Disadvantages: 1. It is unreliable as the messages cannot be recognised by signatures. Though software can be developed for this, yet the software can be easily hacked. 2. Sometimes, the quickness of digital communication is harmful as messages can be sent with the click of a mouse. The person does not think and sends the message at an impulse. 3. Digital Communication has completely ignored the human touch. A personal touch cannot be established because all the computers will have the same font! 4. The establishment of Digital Communication causes degradation of the environment in some cases. â€Å"Electronic waste† is an example. The vibes given out by the telephone and cell phone towers are so strong that they can kill small birds. In fact the common sparrow has vanished due to so many towers coming up as the vibrations hit them on the head. 5. Digital Communication has made the whole word to be an â€Å"office.† The people carry their work to places where they are supposed to relax. The whole world has been made into an office. Even in the office, digital communication causes problems because personal messages can come on your cell phone, internet, etc. 6. Many people misuse the efficiency of Digital Communication. The sending of hoax messages, the usage by people to harm the society, etc cause harm to the society on the whole. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Communication Definition of Digital – A method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of distinct electronic or optical pulses that represent the binary digits 0 and 1. Advantages of Digital – Less expensive More reliable Easy to manipulate Flexible Compatibility with other digital systems Only digitised information can be transported through a noisy channel without degradation Integrated networks Disadvantages of Digital – Sampling Error Digital communications require greater bandwidth than analogue to transmit the same information. The detection of digital signals requires the communications system to be synchronised, whereas generally speaking this is not the case with analogue systems. 1.The first advantage of digital communication against anlog is it’s noise immunity.In any transmission path some unwanted voltage or noise is always present which cannot be eliminated fully.when signal is transmitted this noise gets added to the original signal causing the distortion of the signal.However in a digital communication at the receiving end this additive noise can be eliminated to great extent easily resulting in better recovery of actual signal.Incase of analog communication it’s difficult to remove the noise once added to the signal. is another priority of messaging services in modern days.Digital communication provides better security to messages than the analog communication.It can be achiev ed through various coding techniques available in digital communication. a digital communication the signal is digitised to a stream of 0 s and 1 s.So at the receiver side a simple decision has to me made whether received signal is a 0 or a 1.Accordingly the receiver circuit becomes simpler as compared to the analog receiver circuit. 4.Signal when travelling through it’s transmission path gets faded gradually.So on it’s path it needs to be reconstructed to it’s actual form and re-transmitted many times.For that reason AMPLIFIERS are used for analog communication and REPEATERS are used in digital communication.amplifiers are needed every 2 to 3 Kms apart where as repeaters are neede every 5 to 6 Kms apart.So definitely digital communication is cheaper.Amplifiers also often add non-linearities that distort the actual signal. 5.Bandwidth is another scarce resource.Various Digital communication techniques are available that use the available babdwidth much efficiently than analog communication techniques. 6.when audio and video signals are transmitted digitally an AD(Analog to Digital) converter is needed at tansmitting side and a DA(Digital to Analog) converter is again needed at receiver side.While transmitted in analog communication these devices are not needed. 7.Digital signals are often an approximation of the analog data(like voice or video) that is obtained through a process called quantisation.The digital representation is never the exact signal but it’s most closely approximated digital form.So it’s accuracy depends on the degree of approximation taken in quantisation process. .That not everyone has access to these sites .not everyone can use these sites . you can never trust sites like this because you dont know who or were the person is reading your message Social networking is the process of finding friends and of managing friendships through the internet. People who wish to meet others on line put up their most compelling and attractive presentations through their profile pages. They join groups and communicate with others by commenting on topics or by introducing topics that hope to encourage discussion. The advantages are endless. A person can protect privacy by putting up fake addresses, birthdates, addresses and symbolic images, making the profile private and for friends only. Privacy is ensured by exercising caution when posting personal and biographical information and photos. The amount of personal data that is made available should be highly customizable, or it is best to find a site that provides better privacy features. The disadvantages are also endless. Social networking sites can sell your personal information to anyon e who wants to buy it, including spammers and on line predators. Even if the terms of understanding claim that no personal information will be sold, the site can change its policy at any time. If blogs or other original content is published at a site, the site can take over copyright privileges in unlimited ways. Few writers, artists and musicians are aware of this and forget to read the terms of understanding in order to find out what can happen to their works. True identity is never known unless people meet in person. While it is a myth that, without body language, a person’s behavior and personality can never be understood, there is never a way to get a person’s complete behavior and personality profile strictly through on line interaction. There are too many people on line and in social networking sites. The tendency is to head for the biggest party, but the biggest party is also the most challenging place for conversation that leads to more understanding and more fruitful interactions. It is daunting and time consuming, but the best way to find people is through the forums and groups. The most dangerous people are the sparky and outgoing personas who want to become an instant best friend to total strangers. There is too much relentless and suspicious pressure from some who wish to impose their demands for personal information on others. They make one good point, which is that it is creepy to have a person show up in a group or to start inviting people to be friends when they have an empty Social networking is the process of finding friends and of managing friendships through the internet. People who wish to meet others on line put up their most compelling and attractive presentations through their profile pages. They join groups and communicate with others by commenting on topics or by introducing topics that hope to encourage discussion.The disadvantages are also endless. Social networking sites can sell your personal information to anyone who wants to buy it, including spammers and on line predators. Even if the terms of understanding claim that no personal information will be sold, the site can change its policy at any time. If blogs or other original content is published at a site, the site can take over copyright privileges in unlimited ways. Few writers, artists and musicians are aware of this and forget to read the terms of understanding in order to find out what can happen to their works. True identity is never known unless people meet in person. While it is a myth that, without body language, a person’s behavior and personality can never be understood, there is never a way to get a person’s complete behavior and personality profile strictly through on line interaction. There are too many people on line and in social networking sites. The tendency is to head for the biggest party, but the biggest party is also the most challenging place for conversation that leads to more understanding and more fruitful interactions. It is daunting and time consuming, but the best way to find people is through the forums and groups. The most dangerous people are the sparky and outgoing personas who want to become an instant best friend to total strangers. There is too much relentless and suspicious pressure from some who wish to impose their demands for personal information on others. They make one good point, which is that it is creepy to have a person show up in a group or to start inviting people to be friends when they have an empty or hidden profile. There is a happy medium where limited and safe information can be put up, but there can be far too much manipulation and aggression involved with getting others to give up age, location, real photos and far too much detail about themselves in public profiles. It is sad when a group holds an in-person event or meeting and only some members can travel or pay for a trip to meet everyone. This happens in the best and most well founded groups, but creates a rift between those who have met in real life and those who have to confine their interaction to the group posts.In summary, there are dangers, irritants, untrustworthy processes, such as selling registration information, and there are untrustworthy people who are active in social networking. The savvy social networker takes time to establish solid friendships and memberships in groups, has a skeptical mind, and holds back when prompted to give up too much personal information or to interact with total strangers. 1. addicting and waste of time. 2. cyber trolls and cyber threats. 3. can disturb your real social life. 4. noneducational 5. much radiation from computer screens. Social networking sites have become exceedingly popular in recent years. This increased popularity has caused concern among many parents about how these sites are affecting their children. Parents are becoming aware of many disadvantages of social networking sites including their affect on a child’s ability to concentrate. Constant online communication affects children, making it difficult for them to communicate and concentrate when away from the screen. It is, therefore, important for parents to monitor their children’s online social interactions and place a time limit on how long they can spend on the computer. Notable among the disadvantages of social networking sites is the presence of cyber bullying. Parents should monitor their children’s online social interactions to prevent them from becoming victims of cyber bullying. Social networking can affect children negatively if they are inadvertently dragged into some sort of cyber bullying, which may lead to teen suicides. Social networking affects children to the extent that social networks sometimes encourage interpersonal relations that are unrealistic. A child’s online interactions with people who could influence them in a negative manner may expose them to quite serious threats and potential dangers. Sometimes a child’s online social interactions may not be appropriate. The luxury of hiding behind a screen where they are unknown gives them the opportunity to say anything. This freedom could result in fights or online bullying. Despite their disadvantages, social networking sites have many advantages. Children may make some good friends online, become more aware of current affairs, and get career guidance. A child’s online social interactions, if properly monitored, can be beneficial to their career and life. Social networking affects communication among children, which can be both positive and negative. The disadvantages of social networking sites can be offset by having some kind of plan in place where parents can supervise their child’s Internet activities. Children should be educated about how online communication affects them and about the negative effects their online social interactions may have. Advantages: * Social skills. Facebook allows kids to keep up with current friends and make new ones. When used in the right way, social media can increase a child’s self-esteem and help them feel less isolated. * Self-expression. A Facebook page gives a child their own â€Å"home page† on the web, where they can express themselves and talk about their interests. They can join groups and support fan pages, and find out what other people are interested in. * Digital competence. Managing a Facebook page teaches a child how to post comments and photos, and how to navigate the web. Having good online social media skills will be increasingly important as they get older. * Educational development. A majority of tweens and teens use social networking to discuss school work. Shared discussions about school assignments is one of the best reasons to allow access to social networks. Disadvantages: * Kids can be mean. However much you school your child on the right way to behave online, you cannot stop other children from posting mean comments. * A Facebook account is a gateway to the whole Internet. It’s impossible to isolate a Facebook account from the rest of the Internet – links and click-through ads are everywhere. If you think your child is too young to explore the Internet or cannot be trusted to remain within the Facebook environment, then a Facebook account is a bad idea. * Beware of friends of friends. Often times it’s not your child’s friends that are the problem, it’s friends of friends. When your child accepts a friend request, make sure you check out their page and their list of friends. (If you are friends with your child, you need to be careful with your page too!)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Catastrophe of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

On April 26 1986, the reactor Unit 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was not working properly. When workers tried to fix this problem in reactor 4 by shutting down the its power regulating system and its emergency safety systems, this caused the most serious and dangerous accident in the history of nuclear power generation. The Chernobyl accident released large amounts of radioactive materials into in the atmosphere, which were carried by air currents. Soon after this catastrophe, these radioactive materials were spread by the wind over many countries, which polluted their atmosphere. The release of radioactivity had a deadly effect on people's health and the environment; thus, before building such a plant, safety and emergency procedures must be guaranteed. The radioactive materials, which have been released from the accident, affected people's health for several years. The Russian government admitted the release of radioactivity, when the Swedish monitoring stations reported abnormal high levels of wind transported radioactivity as clarified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The government had to evacuate many areas and declare it as a † Forbidden zone † to protect people from radioactivity. Initially the accident caused the death of 32 people(B. Hummer,Nils â€Å"Chernobyl the accident† – http//:bcf. usc. edu/meshkati/chernobyl. html). The radioactive materials released from this accident are 200 times as much radioactivity as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions (Dahl,Birgitta â€Å"The Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster† http//:scf. usc. edu/~melan). Its human death losses and the amount of the radiation released into the environment, raised a large number of problems not only for the treatment of severely exposed persons, but also The decisions that had to be taken considering the population. Thus, the number of people who were suffering from cancer was increasing and the number of thyroid cancers among children also increased in the most affected area: Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (Encyclopedia of Britannica online). Indeed, for several years, babies were born deformed and thousands were suffering from illnesses and cancer (which takes 8 to 10 years to appear), scientists and doctors were alerted because after only four years thyroid cancer increased much more than their expectations and its growth was more quickly than they expected and its pattern was different from the patterns known till now (Specter,M. Willy â€Å"The Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power accidents† `The New York Times`, Sunday march 31,1996). All these factors have increased diseases among the people living in the exposed area and the workers involved in clearing the site after the accident. In my opinion, it is extremely difficult to imagine the psychological effects of Chernobyl accident on the people who experienced it. In addition, this emotional stress and other psychological factors are the main possible cause of people's illnesses after the accident and in the future. The radiation did not only affect people's health but it polluted the environment and the territories beside the reactor. The area beside Chernobyl was heavily polluted because 70% of the radioactive substances fell on it (Encyclopedia of Britannica online). As stated by Najmedin Meshkati, a nuclear scientist; â€Å"The most dangerous thing was the food pollution (cesium, strontium, plutonium and americium) in milk and meat products are with concentration several hundred times higher than pre accident levels and often above the permitted levels and it will not disappear before 300 years†. Although, people know that these regions are heavily polluted and that meat and milk products have accumulated high quantities of radioactive substances, more than 1. 8 million people are still living there (Specter,M. Willy â€Å"The Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power accidents† `The New York Times`, Sunday march 31,1996). They drink radioactive fluids, eat radioactive substance (cesium131) will stay in the food and liquids and will not disappear completely before 300 years†. The consequences of these substances will not be noticed but after many years and it will not only affect the present generation but also the future generation. To insure maximum safety, emergency systems should be guaranteed before building any nuclear power plant. Thus, authorities must not ignore the possibility of the occurrence of an accident. The failure of workers to identify the problem between the systems to insure safety, and their failure to cooperate with each other is unacceptable. Workers must be trained to deal with real emergency situations in order to respond fast and to control it. However, after Chernobyl, solutions to insure the safety of large-scale technological systems have fallen into the categories of management and cost control (B. Hummer,Nils â€Å"Chernobyl the accident† -http//:bcf. usc. edu/meshkati/chernobyl. html). The cost to clean up the mess caused by the nuclear power plants are much more expensive than to install a new emergency system. Thus, the cost to maintain safety is negligible compared to the cost, which they have to pay if an accident happened. Moreover, authorities must be strict concerning the regulations of nuclear power plants. Many improvements in radiation protection and emergency preparations have been made, possible by the Chernobyl experience (Encyclopedia of Britannica online). The lessons drawn from the Chernobyl accident are valuable: human's life is precious. Thus, human must learn from their mistakes and know how to prevent their happening especially if these mistakes may cost innocent people's lives. An accident such as the catastrophe of Chernobyl is a descrase for humanity, that's why we cannot afford such mistakes again. Because some mistakes are unforgiving.