Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reflection practice Essay

Reflection practice is an approach that allows practitioners to understand how they use their knowledge in realistic situations and how they mix action and learning in a more successful manner (Henderson, 2002). Kondrat (2004) claims that the aim of critical reflection is to be conscious of the influence of the subject self in relations to prejudices so that such prejudices may be reduced or removed. However, Smith (2002: 138) argues that â€Å"for reflection to be critical it need to also embrace the capacity to consider social structures and power relationships analytically and apply this analysis in practice†. This assignment aim at researching the benefits and challenges of reflection in work practice by reflecting on an incident at work and examine what went wrong and what went well (see appendix 1). It will evaluate my progress about how I used reflection to develop professional practice after an incident. It will also assess how feedback from manager and colleagues may help me to maintain my continuing professional development. see more:the different ways that people may react to receiving constructive feedback According to Taylor and Beverly (2000) reflection is a significant human activity in which people recall their experiences, think about it, ponder over, evaluate it; and it is this working with experience that is important in learning. Du Gay (2005) claims that we learn through critical reflection by putting ourselves into the experiences and exploring personal and theoretical knowledge to understand it and view it in different ways. However, Swan (2008) argues that it may be hard to reflect in work practice due to time constraint and lack of understanding about how to reflect. Swan (2008) further argues that others practitioners may not be motivated enough in finding time to reflect. However, Taylor (2000) proposes that improved self-awareness, though not the principle reason for reflection, may create important changes in normal reactions to challenging clinical circumstances that may affect a beneficial change in the outcome observed. As a health and social care practitioner I appreciate that reflection offers a number of benefits such as improvement in practice and in patient service. Improved self-knowledge may offer this additional benefit, as contending with the behaviour of persons in strange circumstances outlines an important part of health care practitioners Taylor (2000). Wilkin (2002), Paget (2001)  and Taylor (2000) cited in Hayden, (2005) agree with the notion that reflection allows practitioners to broaden themselves intellectually and improves their professional role especially when pressure is wielded to behave more technically. However, Smith and Jack (2005) argue that practitioners need to be aware of personal advantages, improved self-awareness and improved confidence in progressing professional development as it may affect how they relate with patient. In relation to my individual learning plan (ILP) as identified in appendix one I have encountered problem such as involving colleagues and my manager in giving me feedback. This may be because of work demands placed on my manager and change in staff structure due to an incident which occurred in work. Therefore I had to reconsider using a diary to record activities identified in ILP and record of incident; this meant that I can only rely on my own feedback and the understanding of my work practise in order to achieve the best possible outcome. According to Boud (2000) health and social care professionals often work one on one with service users who may be experiencing various levels of emotional distress. Young and Henquinet (2000) claim that more than half of challenging behaviour occurs in social services and health care settings, therefore safety is paramount. Boud (2000) claims that it is vital that professionals and service users do not exist in blankness, as both parties are influenced by societal, community and organizational behaviour this is supported by Bronfebrenner’s theory (Adams, 2007). Smith (2002) states that these factors may impact on service users’ relationship and interactions therefore a key skill is needed to work in partnership with service users. When the service user went absent without authorised leave I had to respond immediately as it was apparent that I was the only person with sufficient knowledge. Having experience this before and knowing my work practice procedures on missing person prompted me to react as I did as identified in Schon (1991) reflection in action. Smith (2002) further argues that to attain this, it is essential for  professionals to be able to make logic of their practice, and to understand their involvement in therapeutic functioning. This was evident in my practice as I had to support other service users who were in distress and also I had to write an incident report whilst offering re- assurance. This was challenging as I am working as part of a small team which meant that I had to carry some of the task individually. However, being part of a small team meant that I was able to interact and communicate more easily with peers and gained their sense of commitment level as pointed out by (Young and Henquinet 2000). Northouse (2004) states that ethics in a small teams are important because as team progress through the decision-making or problem-solving process, several questions may arise that may need to be dealt with and the people’s behaviour or actions surrounds the communication process. Engleberg and Wynn (2003) suggest that staff member or team members need to consider how their verbal and nonverbal communication and listening skills may affect how they construct and construe these messages. Fujishin, (2007) argues that communicating in an unethical way may include misrepresenting a position or stance on a topic, and pretending to be informed about a topic. Fujishin, (2007) suggests that to avoid this staff member should not keep back information from other members and should be truthful when sharing information. As a practitioner I am morally required to contemplate the likely benefit or harm that may result if I chose to do nothing in a given situation. My actions matched my belief in the human rights to be safe and contribute to decision making and information sharing (Beidler and Dickey 2001). Controlled reflection may thus be an instrument to help professionals’ gain better understanding not only into professional practice but into their working relationship with service users Bould (2000). Gaining better knowledge and understanding into reflection is not new, Schon (1999) in Adams et al (2009) defines reflection in action as an approach taken by practitioners in work setting to instantly restructure and adjust their practice. However, Crisp and Green (2002) argue that uncontrolled reflection may not generate theory or understanding. Nevertheless, the practitioner who  is able to reflect on a situation, make sense of what happened and coherent the process and variables involved may create a better understanding of the situation and of theory. Another way of making sense of circumstances that affect us together individually and professionally is through organised reflective writing. The method of reflection does not have to be written, however Seymour (2003) and Ullrich et al (2002) suggest that more understanding may be gained if writing is involved as it may allow the professionals to structure opinions and reminiscences more subjectively. Ullrich and Lutgendorf (2002) also claim that it may also provide a lasting record for other professionals to access in future. In work setting I had to keep record and times of incident this is refer to as incident report. Lindeman (2000) claims that writing an incident report allows practitioners to learn about individuals, organisation and others. For instance, I have learnt a lot about different agencies that gets involved when a service user is reported missing. I have also learnt about the importance of keeping accurate conversation records. Duffy (2000) proposes that the process of reflective writing may offer time to reflect properly and make sense of happenings that may have affected work practice. Nonetheless, without a clear outline it may be problematic to know in what way or what to reflect upon. Burton (2000) argues that this is particularly applicable to trainee reflective professionals. Furthermore, Brennan and Hutt (2001) argue that another additional likely risk is that professionals only reflect upon circumstances that they perceive as gone wrong. Taylor (2000) states that in this case reflective writing then becomes possibly negative and not useful if left unstructured or un- facilitated. This was apparent common in my work practice as staff focused more on the negative of the incident instead of encouraging the use of positive. McCabe (2004) suggest that it is the duty of the experienced practitioner to question the practice of another if they believe inappropriate treatment may harm or be negative to service user. It was extremely difficult to challenge my colleagues about their negative comments this may be because they have  been in my work practice longer than me. McCabe (2004) argues that health practitioners may feel uncomfortable due to uncertainty in their work practice. Conversely, Paget (2001) argues that service user’s best interest must be conserved all the time even if conflict should arise. According to Joyce (2005) common difficulties with using reflective journals involve procrastination, fading, eagerness, and also reluctance or lack of ability to reflect. Reflective diaries or periodicals may be an effectual tool for self – assessment and development of reflective skill, specifically reflection on practice (Joyce, 2005). The skill of reflective writing may be advanced either through working separate or within peer groups. Teekman (2000) believes that record keeping is part of showing consistency and caring about service user’s outcome. Caring is also paramount in health and social care, I feel strongly about this belief and try to practise continuously. Ritz (2009) cited in Ritz and Weissleder, (2009) proposes that writing and thinking goes together when developing critical skills. According to Wilkie and Burn (2003) Health and social care have a spoken culture in which practitioners have restricted chances to develop critical, analytical skills through writing. I found it easy to use diary this may be due to the time I spent writing incident report. However, getting feedback from my colleagues proofed difficult as they had different views about giving me feedback. This may be due to what they perceive as of importance as pointed out by Bowers and Jinks (2004). In conclusion reflecting about incident at work has been self- empowering and has provided me with a perception into personal understanding and control (McCabe 2004). This reflection has recognised the opinions, hindrances associated with working in Health and social care (HSC) practice. Additionally, it has also shown that the present-day premise of HSC is multifaceted. However using Schon’s context does aim to reveal the insufficiencies of a positivist attitude to knowledge and practice and this may result to new understandings (Teekman, 2000). Consequently, it is essential that the professional is allowed to reflect critically on practice  so as to improve and extend knowledge and eventually the quality of service and care provided to service users. Reflective writing has helped me to cope with critical incident at work and I feel like I can pass this tool to my work colleagues. References Adam R, Dominelli L, and Payne, M (2009) social work themes, issues and critical debates(3rd ed). Basingstoke: Palgrave. Boud, D. (2000) Sustainable Assessment Rethinking assessment for the learning society. Studies in Continuing Education. 22: 151-167. Bowers S. J. and Jinks A. M.( 2004) Issues surrounding professional portfolio development for nurses. British Journal of Nursing, 13 (3): 155-159 Brennam A.M. and Hutt R. (2001) the challenges and conflicts of facilitating learning in practice the experience of the clinical nurse educators nurse in practice 1(4) :181-188. Bulman C, and Schutz S. (2004) Reflective Practice in Nursing (3rd ed) Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. Burton A. J,.(2000) reflection nursing ‘s practice and education panacea . Journal of Advanced Nursing 31: 10009-1017. Crisp, B.R. and Green L. P. (2002). Assessments methods in social work education A review of the literature social work education 21: 259-269. Demmke, C, Hammerschmid, G, Meyer, RE (2006) Decent ralisation and Accountability as a Focus of Public Administration Modernisation: Challenges and Consequences for Human Resource Management. Maastricht/Brussels: EIPA Duff, L,.(2000) from rote to reflection an incredible Learning Journey Canadian Nurse 96(7) 30-33. Du Gay, P (2005) The Values of Bureaucracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Engleberg, I. N., & Wynn, D. R. (2003). Working in groups: Communication principles and strategies (3rd ed.). Boston, Houghton Mifflin Fisher, K (2003) Demystifying critical reflection: Defining criteria for assessment. Higher Education Research & Development 22(3): 313–325. Fujishin, R. (2007).Creating effective groups: The art of small group communication (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Hayden, K S. (2005) Critical incident A nurses personal reflection. Pro quest nursing & Allied health source (15):329. Henderson, GM (2002) Transformative learning as a condition for transformational change in organizations. Human Resource Development Review 1(2): 186–214. Joyce P.(2005) A framework for portfolio development in postgraduate nursing practice. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hitler Research Paper

Brianna Milligan Mr. McCaw AP Lit and Comp 9 November 2012 On April 20th 1889, Adolf Hitler was born. Adolf is debatably the most remembered dictator in all of history; he was responsible for the genocide of 6 million Jews, and other minorities. Why Hitler developed a strong angst against the Jews is unclear, although there are many theories, none prove to be factual. Perhaps it was this influential man’s huge desire for power that drove him to such drastic measures. Despite, Hitler’s unforgivable actions – rejection, war, and power are the three elements that created Adolf Hitler, the face of Nazi Germany.As a young German boy, Adolf loved art so much so, that all he sometimes did was sketch and paint. He was particularly gifted with academics; he passed his classes with great ease and found school to be fairly unchallenging. Despite his academic abilities, he stopped caring and trying in school as he grew older. The reason for this would be Alois’ death (Hitler’s father) when Adolf was only 13. However, it was Hitler’s biggest aspiration to be accepted into Vienna Academy of Art, but after submitting his application several times Hitler was rejected.Prior to his father’s death, Hitler and Alois had their differences due to Alois’ opinion on the pointlessness of art school. Adolf was abused by his father for many years, and it is arguable that this rejection from his own father built up unhealthy steam. After being rejected by the Academy of Art, he lived in Vienna pretending to be an art student to avoid telling his mother, Klara, the truth. In 1907, his mother passed away of cancer, and this was probably the most traumatic thing in Hitler’s youth. â€Å"Her death affected him far more deeply than the death of his father.He had fond memories of his mother, carried her photograph wherever he went and, it is claimed, had it in his hand when he died in 1945. † (Spartacus Educational) He could never face his mother, in fear of being rejected by her as well. The First World War was surfacing and Hitler had ignored his call-up papers for enlisting in the Austrian Army. Shortly after being taken in by the authorities for a medical examination for the army, â€Å"he was rejected as being: â€Å"Unfit for combatant and auxiliary duty – too weak. Unable to bear arms. (Spartacus Educational) Acceptance in the psychological development of a teenager is crucial, and Hitler was repeatedly rejected. World War I was in full action, and Hitler joined the German Army. Most soldiers look back on violent wars and talk about the brutality and struggles, but Hitler wrote, â€Å"I was overcome with impetuous enthusiasm, and falling on my knees, wholeheartedly thanked Heaven that I had been granted the happiness to live at this time. † (Mein Kampf) Hitler found this to be his â€Å"greatest spiritual experience† (Mein Kampf) and from then on found himself becoming obse ssed with the military.He volunteered for the job of ‘dispatch-runner’ which required him to run across the front-line and relay messages from regimental headquarters. Being on the front lines were extremely dangerous considering only one out of three messengers lived. Adolf Hitler won five medals including the honorable â€Å"Iron Cross. † This was one of his first successors, and WWI had become his favorite point in his life. It was until October 1918, when Hitler breathed in some British Mustard Gas and was blinded. This resulted in Hitler having to stay in the hospital until he recovered.While he was in the hospital, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles and had surrendered. The few peers and colleagues of Hitler stated that he had slipped into a deep depression once he’d caught wind of the news, and this was just another failure that Adolf had associated himself with. Post-war Hitler had been shocked that a socialist revolution had occurred, and as a dedicated German Nationalist he was infuriated with these social equality movements. He believed that communism was evil and that these Socialist party revolutions were nothing but â€Å"Jewish Conspiracies† (YouTube: Adolf Hitler the Greatest Story Never Told).Eventually, Hitler was recruited as a German political officer, and could now lecture soldiers on politics. Germany was in a state of economic downfall because of the Treaty of Versailles. All of the war reparations were to be a paid for by Germany because they had originally started the war, Hitler was deeply involved with politics and loved war. Therefore he was agitated by the fact that the Treaty was having Germany pay for everything and he rendered that it was an unfair treaty.Hitler, at this time, was a common public speaker, and not too long after all these speeches he created his own political party. â€Å"In February 1920, the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) published its first programme whi ch became known as the â€Å"25 Points†. In the programme the party refused to accept the terms of the Versailles Treaty and called for the reunification of all German people. To reinforce their ideas on nationalism, equal rights were only to be given to German citizens. â€Å"Foreigners† and â€Å"aliens† would be denied these rights. (Spartacus Educational) This is when Hitler’s evident hatred of the Jews became visible to all of Germany, but his speaking was so influential and it made sense at the time that people didn’t disagree. His party was the biggest favored political party during this period. Hitler’s newfound party became known as the ‘Nazi Party. ’ â€Å"According to Hitler, Jews were responsible for everything he did not like, including modern art, pornography and prostitution. Hitler also alleged that the Jews had been responsible for losing the First World War.Hitler also claimed that Jews, who were only about 1% of the population, were slowly taking over the country. They were doing this by controlling the largest political party in Germany, the German Social Democrat Party, many of the leading companies and several of the country's newspapers. The fact that Jews had achieved prominent positions in a democratic society was, according to Hitler, an argument against democracy: â€Å"a hundred blockheads do not equal one man in wisdom. † (YouTube: Adolf Hitler the Greatest Story Never Told).It wasn’t long before Hitler ran for president, won, and became a dictator. He now had complete and total power, and had already begun deportation plans for the Jewish people in Germany. Hitler let the German people know right away that the Jewish were the reason they lost the war, he read Henry Ford’s book The International Jew, and stemmed a passionate hatred toward the very existence of the Jewish race. It wasn’t until autumn of 1941 that Hitler openly spoke about the annihil ation of the Jews, but he wasted no time in preparing the concentrations camps which was ultimately his ‘final solution. (adolfhitler. dk. ) Adolf Hitler controlled everything in Germany during the holocaust, every horror imaginable was going on in these concentration camps, and Germany’s strategies in WWII were extremely violent. The mass murder of the Jewish population was called the Holocaust. Hitler took over many territories all over the world during WWII, and his army was incredibly disciplined and brutal. Conclusively, the Holocaust was a result of the creation of the Nazi Party.Hitler was rejected by society, became obsessed with war, and his complete control of Germany with his ultimate power led to the genocide of 6 million Jews. Works Cited: â€Å"Adolf Hitler. † Adolf Hitler. N. p. , n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. adolfhitler. dk/;. â€Å"Spartacus Educational. † Spartacus Educational. N. p. , n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. sparta cus. schoolnet. co. uk/GERhitler. htm;. YouTube. Dir. Deephiddentruth. YouTube. YouTube, 23 Mar. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. ;http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=TERKermWgIg;.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Sensory Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sensory Cultures - Essay Example Embodiment of sensory orientation means one understands who they are, what they are doing, and where they are doing it (Yack et al 34). David Howes discusses sensory culture in the context of architecture, considering how urban planners and architects use in-sounds and in-scents in sensory ethnography, sensory history, and sensory geography. The architecture of the senses, which is the study of sensorium’s cultural construction in diverse places and times, helps in inspiring sensory architecture (Howes 45). He contends that, in recent years, architectural theorization for and of the senses has gained prominence because of increased interest in sensory architecture and the social significance of the material world’s sensory qualities. Sensing in sensory architecture involves a combination of meaning and stimulation, as well as signification and sensation. He gives an example of the CAVE technology that enhances comprehension of signification and sensation, contending tha t it needs an ethnographer to comprehend meaning and stimulation. This technology occludes some sensory roles in architectural experience, while it also improves the role of kinesthesia over texture, as well as that of sight over smell (Howes 46). This, in turn, serves in the perpetuation of particular social and sensory hierarchies. According to David Howes, the new sensory urban anthropology, which emphasizes the discernment of perceptive politics and meaning, plays a vital role in the advancement of sensory architecture. Sensory ethnography, through its role in foregrounding senses as experience mediators, as well as exploring the manner in which various people use their senses, in culturally and strategically conditioned ways, on the urban environment, enables architects to enhance polysensoriality and to design in ways that are stimulating and sensuously fitting (Howes 46). Constance Classen, on her part, introduces sensory culture as a historical and cultural formation. By exa mining the various meanings that are associated with different sensory sensations and faculties in various cultures, there is a cornucopia of sensory symbolism. It is possible to link sight to witchcraft and reason, while taste could be utilized as a metaphor that denotes sexual experience or aesthetic discrimination (Classen 402). In addition, the sensory faculty of odor could signify social exclusion, political power, sin, or sanctity. As a collection, these sensory values and meanings make up the various sensory models that societies espouse. In this way, a specific society makes sense of their environment, and the world at large. In addition, they translate sensory concepts, as well as perceptions, into a specific view of the world. Classen theorizes sensory orientation embodiment by contending that smell, taste, hearing, touch, and sight are means of cultural value transmission, as well as the apprehension of physical phenomena (Classen 402). According to her, perception of sen ses can be learnt through imbuing them with cultural significance in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Environment and Strategic Management Essay

Business Environment and Strategic Management - Essay Example After 1960, the company focused on production of cars and it hit the market with the Civic which was an eco-friendly and economic vehicle once again winning the hearts of American drivers, it went on to make the accord which became the most popular vehicle in the United States. Honda has since then diversified its products and today it is also involved in the manufacture of solar cells, Aircraft through its subsidiary company Honda Aircraft, power generators among other products. However its main business is the production of vehicles, it is the largest manufacturer of motorcycles in Japan and it ranked 3rd car company in the world after Toyota and ford motors. Today, Hondas leading market is in North America where their revenues were highest compered to its other global markets (Parker, 2001). It is the second most popular Asian car brand in the United States after Toyota and is set to grow even bigger being the only vehicle with a fuel cell engine certified for US where the standar ds are highest in the world (, 2010). Its main competitors both in America and globally are Toyota and ford which have larger supply and distributor networks. In the last fiscal year, the companies’ profits Quadrupled showing a strong recovery after the earthquakes in Japan; it is predicting an even bigger profit in the next fiscal years with projections of up to 7.7 billion USD. Analysis of the current business environment affecting the industry In the cause of the last few years, recession and the subsequent by economic uncertainty has resulted in a serious decline in the motor vehicle industry, the sales of motor vehicles fell to the lowest point since the 70s. While Japanese firms like Toyota and Honda are still major players in the market, in the last few years they have suffered severe setbacks, which American and Korean firms exploited to increase their competitive advantage in the industry. Toyota for instance lost much of its competitive advantage by yielding too much ground base on its bottom line and lost the confidence of many of its customers. Japan, which is the mother country of Toyota and Honda, was also hit by a double calamity in the Japan earth quake and the tsunami, the two firms suffered major losses and setbacks in production and distribution as a result (Newman, 2013). The shortage that ensued drove American customers away from the Japanese manufactures to other suppliers in America Europe and other parts of Asia such as Korea and India. Toyota’s earnings went down by 2.3 percent and Honda lost 1.6 percent in earnings for the year 2011. Unfortunately for European auto makers, they were not able to benefit much from Japans misfortune since Europe was also embroiled in a crisis of its own albeit it an economic one, European Union countries were in the worst recession ever and the financial crisis almost crippled the manufacturing industry.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Argumentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Argumentation - Essay Example Critical analysis of these phenomena allows seeing some common prejudices. Men have the necessity to remain behind the mask of masculinity showing no emotions and being aggressive. Women have second roles and are supposed to be treated accordingly and that is why women have no power. These distorted narrative about man and women create many problems for both sexes as it turns out. And the essay is aimed to show which exact problems appear because of this. Boys are taught from the little age to be real men. However, what exactly being a real man means is usually learnt from media. And children unable to understand what is literal and what is not take everything for granted. For instance, Pixar was shooting cartoons with the leading characters being male only. Lonely male creatures in the company of male characters went off on some quest or fought villains in all the Pixar cartoons. Women played secondary roles or sometimes even become final achievements of the heroes. And boys along with girls learn that women cannot be leaders and cannot dream to be presidents. However, since when leadership skills are about power and not about the ability to think analytically and to find resolutions of the problems? And women are equally good in these tasks. Moreover, boys are taught to avoid emotions as emotions are perceived as female feature. However, avoiding real feelings leads to their suppression and to ruining any boy`s personality. The video â€Å"The mask you live in† shows that the results of such changes in psyche are pitiful. Boys are often diagnosed with behavioral disorders and receive medications as treatment, abuse alcohol and drugs and even commit suicides. They are also are more likely to become criminals since they always need to show their masculinity and aggression. The situation with girls is even more critical. Despite feministic movement girls have to fit the stereotypes of womanliness: be gentle and speechless.

Critically discuss the developments in banking regulation that have Essay

Critically discuss the developments in banking regulation that have been, and continue to be, put in place as a result of the ec - Essay Example A wide spread unemployment, inflation, poverty, layoffs, financial stress were the words normally echoed on all types of media during the entire period beginning from 2007 to the end of 2009. In the same period, the rates of foreclosure were inversely attached to the housing price inflation (Taylor, 2009). Many investment banks were struggling to survive, mergers, bankruptcies, acquisitions and nationalization became common (The WTO Doha Round and Regionalism, 2009). Many causes contributed towards the development of the financial crisis. Sub-prime loans, low interest rates, financial innovations, a lack of proper supervisory and regulatory measures from the side of regulatory and supervisory authorities, and the total collapse of integrity of credit rating agencies added fuel to the fire of the global financial crisis. Additionally, many authors believe that Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was ill-equipped and confused over some of its basic definitions towards the risk manag ement, and as a result, this also contributed its share in the global financial crisis. Soon after its impacts, the world financial and political leaders gathered to discuss and devise corrective actions in response to the financial situations. In EU, at micro and macro levels, different regulatory and supervisory sound regulations were recommended; European Systemic Risk Council (ESRC) was recommended to play it’s for the risk management. At the same time, European System Financial Supervision (ESFS) was devised to monitor the financial affairs at the micro level, while in the United States of America, Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), strong regulatory and supervisory measures for financial firms and financial markets were proposed. As the financial crisis has affected the global economy, undoubtedly, it requires the international financial institutions to coordinate their efforts, ensure transparency. And, the international regulatory convergence has become nece ssary to avoid such financial crisis in future. In the subsequent parts of this paper, causes of financial crisis, different interpretations over the issues are discussed after the section critically highlighting causes. Subsequent to that, in U.S. and the EU, the corrective measures are explained followed by some recommendations and proposals are provided. Then, international context and effectives of these banking regulatory measures are mentioned. Causes of the global financial crisis Many causes contributed towards the financial crisis. First, sub-prime loans and the real estate bubble were among the main causes (Lannuzzi & Berardi, 2010). Udell (2009) explains that the sub-prime loans were easily available to the ordinary Americans before the financial crisis emerged. This type of loan was given to those individuals and institutions that did not have positive credit worthiness. They were those whose loan applications were declined by many credit lending financial institutions. Furthermore, many under-developed states were transferring their savings into American banks and other financial institutions ((Shomali & Giblin, 2010). In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a considerable amount of savings were attracted by many American banks and other financial institutions. Since many of these countries were enjoying economic growth

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Intelligence 3.3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Intelligence 3.3 - Essay Example The fact that they only use the Internet to advertise means that they are designing mostly for the younger generation; the old and the very young are neglected. Therefore, they should focus on introducing deigns for the older population, and even for the very young, in order to expand their clientele and to cater to a broader demographic. This would not only strengthen their market position, but would also increase the revenues. The fact that the company relies solely on the Internet and electronic social networking for advertisements (MLS 2012:1) could prove to be dangerous and detrimental to the growth and life of the company. It might be sufficient temporarily while the economy is down and the competition is low, but once the market conditions improve and become stable again, it might prove to be insufficient. Only a limited demographic has access to the Internet or uses the Internet for shopping and social networking. A huge portion of the demographic has been excluded this way. The company should take a serious thought into advertising through print media such as fashion magazines, newspapers, and flyers. This would not only increase the customer base substantially, but would also show to the customers that this is a serious company which is interested in serious business and is here to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Global Operations Management at Nestle Case Study

Global Operations Management at Nestle - Case Study Example With its main headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland, the company has hundreds of branches all over the world. It has around 283,000 employees in 86 countries. It has 6,000 brands of a wide range of products such as coffee, chocolate products, infant foods, ice cream, confectionery, pet food, seasonings, bottled water, healthcare nutrition products as well as frozen and refrigerated foods. Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s objective is to â€Å"consolidate and strengthen its leading position at the cutting edge of innovation in the food area in order to meet the needs and desires of customers† (Vijaya, 2005). Due to the immense size of the company, in terms of market share and market presence, the issue of operations management is very important to the company. Its global success is dependent on how well operations are carried out to ensure that resources are well utilized and customers are pleased with the company’s products (Schwarz, 2002). Since Nestle deals with different suppliers in different locations, supply chain management is perhaps the most important aspect of operations management for the global company. Supply chain management is an important aspect is creating high-quality products in the most cost-effective way for the benefit of both the organization and the customer. Supply chain management is concerned with the oversight of information, materials, and finances used in the production of goods and services, right from the supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer to the consumer. The process of supply chain management involves the coordination of and integration of this flow within and among companies. Assuming that the required products are available when needed then the ultimate goal of proper supply chain management is the reduction of inventory (Mentzer, 2001). Supply chain management can be divided into three main types of flows: product flow, information flow, and financial flow.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ferdinand Toennies's Gemeinschaft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ferdinand Toennies's Gemeinschaft - Essay Example There are several that I can envision on the corporate front such as security exchanges and the like, but I think that the best example of Gesellschaft is the city of New York. New York City is an organization in that it is a municipality. Thus while governmentally organized, it is a Gesellschaft as proposed by Toennies. (Kirvisto 89). New York City is a large, urban society, in which social bonds are based on impersonal and specialized relationships, with little long-term commitment to the group or consensus on values. Relationships are based on achieved statuses, and interactions among people are both rational and calculated. This is evidenced by the interactions of brokers on Wall Street, the advertising industry and even the penal system. He who makes the highest dollar attains the highest status. This is precisely what Toennies predicted would happen which is why his preference was towards the Gemeinschaft. (Kristovo 89).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Investment Portfolio Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Investment Portfolio - Assignment Example Both children also have 529 plans established, gifted to them by their grandparents ten years ago. Therefore, college tuition is not considered a financial objective, as higher education will be essentially paid for through these particular savings plans. Finally, the investor has ten years left on a 30-year mortgage note, thereby paying off the loan ten years before he enters retirement. The monthly mortgage payment is approximately $1125. Since the couple looks at their residence as their dream home, they have no intentions of ever selling their property nor do they intend to purchase a second home. They do not foresee any other significant expenses on the horizon; however, they do have an emergency fund valued at $10,500 to cover any problems that may creep into their financial picture. It can be assumed, then, that their objective will not include constructing an emergency reserve. They can, and will, focus solely on retirement savings. I. Investment Policy: A study conducted by Klein and Iammartino in 2010 states that Modern Portfolio Theory supports the notion that there are three main factors that must be considered when selecting the various investment vehicles that will comprise a sound portfolio: diversification, risk tolerance, and time horizon. In this particular situation, the investor’s age and risk tolerance reflects a need for a moderately conservative approach to building the portfolio. While the investor still has some time on his side for wealth accumulation, stocks traditionally perform rather inconsistently, making it virtually impossible to predict what direction the securities will take on any given day. Of course, most portfolio profits are made by investing in securities, as their sheer nature is to grow money. But like anything in life, there is give and take. While highly lucrative, stocks are also highly volatile, which increases the risk that an investor could lose all money put into a particular security if the company is ch anging management, losing its competitive edge in the industry, or even worse, headed for insolvency. As times goes on and retirement inches closer, an investor will have less reaction time to deal with any of the above circumstances that are adversely affecting the portfolio’s performance. Consequentially, it makes good financial sense to build in shock absorbers to help alleviate any additional burdens the investor takes by putting money into equities. These absorbers are referred to as fixed income, which is a more secure asset class because these investments pay out through fixed interest rates for a pre-determined time frame and, in some cases, are insured, should the debtor become insolvent. Fixed income is mainly comprised of bonds and CDs. They are not as profitable as equities and can bring their own element of danger simply because more conservative investments typically cannot outpace inflation (think of your investments flying down a freeway with inflation as the highway trooper clocking the speed at which the money is growing). Still yet, they do provide guarantee, which gives the investor peace of mind that the money will never be lost. It can be said then that the aforementioned investor will need to allocate a certain percentage of his money to stocks, bonds, and finally, cash to provide necessitated liquidity in his portfolio, should there be another global downturn in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Financial analysis Essay Example for Free

Financial analysis Essay The analytical audit of the company’s capital structures of the two companies shows that shows Arizon is highly geared as compared to AT T. Gearing AT T is 43. 3% for long term debt and 51. 76% for total equity which is not very high. In case of Arizon, the ratio is very high at 59% for long-term debt to equity while total debt to equity is 74. 91%. The Verizon case indicates that the firm does not have sufficient and steady internal financial resources to finance its assets. These get depleted compelling management to use external financial instruments. This usage of external sources to finance its assets increase chances of the company suffering financial risk that may lead to bankruptcy after technical default. The audit of inventory ratio of the two companies supplied reveals a AT $ T does not have stock while verizon has. This may be that AT T is a service sector or in the business of manufacture at order or operate Just In Time method of stock refurbishing. While Arizona has inventory which is increasing gradually except in year 2004 when it down from 1. 50% in year 2003. we are not supplied with income statement to be able to determine the firms’ efficiency in utilizing its resources (inventory) to generate sales is. The close analysis of the two companies ratios provided indicates that AT $ T payable account that fluctuates from time to time. While Arizona have payables with down ward trend. This indicates that Arizona is managing her trade creditors well as compared to AT T. if payables are not well managed may cause financial stress to the company. The working capital of the Verizona contains a significant proportion of cash fluctuating from time to time. In case of AT T it is insignificant and it is in the down ward trend. The firms cannot therefore, meet its obligating with the most liquid resources. Additionally, there are no marketable securities that can be easily converted into cash when a financial need arises. What this implies is that the firm may find it difficult to meet its short term maturing financial obligations as and when they fall due for payment. The same conclusion about financial position can be made using both the acid test and cash ratios. From the ratios, the firm’s ability to meet its financial obligations from the liquid assets is also questionable. REFERENCES Luecke R (2002) Finance for Managers; Harvard Business School Lindsay R. (1967) Financial Management, An Analytical Approach; R. D Irwin, 1967

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay Example for Free

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay The six psychological approaches are biological, learning or behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, psychodynamic, and humanistic. Each approach is unique in its own way and used by psychiatrists to diagnose the problem. A biological approach is applied when the there is a known medical condition. The medical condition normally connects to mental health, and the solution comes from therapy. This particular approach looks at the whole body. The learning or behavioral approach is all about analyzing the person’s the behavior and modifying their behavior biased on their response to the environment. This approach works from positive and negatives items in their environment, and is sometimes cured by brings these elements in and out of their life to fix the problem. The events in the environment can be rewards or punishments that will influence the patients behavior. The cognitive perspective is about understand a patients thinking and understanding. How we process, store, and retrieve information influences our behavior. It is said that all problems are located in the brain, and using this perspective you can find a medical issue that is affecting how the brain is working. The sociocultural approach is when the mental health has something to do with the environment that deals with growth. The culture in which the patient is a large factor. In a psychodynamic approach an individual’s problem is inside the unconscious mind. This can be from a dramatic event that happened earlier in their life. Sometimes the cure can be from the patient themselves accepting the fact, or acknowledging that they have a problem. The final approach is a humanistic approach. This is about individual or self directed choices that influence behavior. This approach deals with the physical health of a patient to eventually cure their mental health. There is a well known philosophy that a healthy mind equals a healthy body. In this approach, a psychologist will control the patients diet and exercise to regain their mental health. The hospital used many methods on the mentally ill patients. They had group counseling scheduled every day where Mrs. Ratchet interrogated the patients and made them feel uncomfortable. The hospital also had electric shock therapy and lobotomy as other treatment methods. Also, the hospital gave the patients medicine, this is a biological approach, even though it was given to these people unwillingly. Mrs. Ratchet also allowed McMurphy to receive a vote in order to watch the ball game and she bended the rules or was too strict in order to win her position. This is a behavioral approach because McMurphy watched the baseball probably in his normal environment at home. She teased him with the thought of watching the game as a reward, then took it away. McMurphy had behavioral or learning approach. He would congratulate people when they did things he thought were good and he would yell at them when he thought they did something bad. For example, when McMurphy taught Chief how to shoot a basketball, he cheered after every point he made. The other patients looked up to and really admired McMurphy, which put him in a very powerful position. He had a strong effect on the other patients and they really admired him. Chief Bromden’s recovery began when McMurphy came to the hospital and started talking to him and making him do tasks. McMurphy worked on chief to see if he was smart enough to complete simple tasks. The first step was him raising his hands above his head at the basketball court, which was the first movement he had done in his whole time being there. Before chief wouldn’t handle directions from others very well. His next step was raising his hand to vote on watching the baseball game, which McMurphy also encouraged greatly. Later, McMurphy rounded up the patients to play some basketball. McMurphy passed the ball to Chief and he shot it, which was followed by him beginning to follow orders and run up and down the court. The final step was when McMurphy gave him the gum before Electroshock Therapy and the Chief spoke fo r the first time at the clinic. After this, chief revealed his intelligence to McMurphy. Ken Kesey was always very interested, and was very talented with the subject of psychology. In 1959 he volunteer to take part in a study named Project mkultra  , this was a CIA funded project dealing with psychoactive drugs. Some of the drugs included were LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, AMT, and DMT. This and his work at the state veterans hospital, which gave him access to LSD, inspired him to write One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. At the state veterans hospital, Kesey spent a lot of time talking to the patients. sometimes under the influence of the hallucinogenic drugs with which he had volunteered to experiment. Kesey did not believe that these patients were insane. Kesey believed that society had pushed them out because they did not fit in the the culture, and that they just wanted a place to keep all the mentally ill. I think that Kesey was trying to convey to people at mentally ill hospitals were treated in a bad manner. He tried to show people that the mentally ill were probably sheltered away from everybody just because they were different. The hospital portrayed in the film didn’t seem to help the patients out or want them to recover and go home. They seemed to have no rights. These patients adjusted to this lifestyle and didn’t want to leave, that is a problem when the assumed goal was to improve these people’s problems. The rewards from good behavior seemed nonexistent and He also wanted to show how cruel the punishments were in the hospital. Psychedelic 60s: Ken Kesey the Merry Pranksters. Psychedelic 60s: Ken Kesey the Merry Pranksters. University of Virginia / Charlottesville, Virginia, 16 Dec. 2009. Web. 19 Sept. 2012. . I really enjoyed One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I thought the movie was genius. There were parts of humor, and it kept you interested and wondering so many things. I enjoyed that there were many main plots and side plots, like the hospital verses the patients, or the patients versus their own recovery. McMurphy was a very mysterious character, because he was crazy, and nobody could figure out if there was anything wrong with him. I though that putting him in that section of the hospital was a mistake, because he is so manipulative and high functioning that he abused all the hospital’s loop-holes. At the same time he was very good for the patients. I also enjoyed the character and all their different problems and personality differences. I enjoyed watching how Billy and the Chief progressed mentally throughout the film. I also love the thought of people breaking structure, and that is what McMurphy definitely succeeded in. This movie very closely related to psychology, because it directly dealt with people who were mentally ill. Also psychology was involved when McMurphy used his genius mind to go against the hospital in various ways. Thinking of these schemes uses a large amount of psychology. Even for the viewers, the movie left you deep in thought, with predicting and questioning what is going to happen next. This movie made you think deeply making this a very psychological movie.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis Of Three Poems English Literature Essay

Analysis Of Three Poems English Literature Essay The history of English poetry stretches from the middle of the 7th century to the present day. Poets from different countries created numerous outstanding works. Here are three poems Ive read which are of great reputation. They are My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun, The Red Wheelbarrow and How Do I Love Thee. The first poem was written by William Shakespeare who is a world famous writer. He is well-known not only for his plays especially tragedies, but also for his 154 sonnets. Not like most sonnet, just as you can find in the title, it depicted a different lady who is not so beautiful. This poem is number 130 out of the 154 sonnets, so we can call it Sonnet 130. It is William Carlos Williams who wrote the second poem. What interesting is his primary occupation was as a family doctor and writing poems was his off-hour hobby, but I believe he is much more succeeded in poetry than as a doctor. The Red Wheelbarrow is a traditional American poetry which is so much different from a sonnet. It is often considered as the masterwork of American 20th-century, although it is the shortest poem I have ever known. The third poet is Elizabeth Barrett Browning, who was one of the most prominent poets of the Victorian era. This is Sonnet XLIII in Sonnets from the Portuguese. Its also a sonnet, but it is in the model of Italy which is popularized by Petrarch. This means the third poem and the first one have great differences. Because of these widely different poems, the world of poetry can be so splendid and vibrant. And I am now going to analyze these three different poems in the aspects of satire, image and theme. When reference satire, we cannot ignore the Shakespeares sonnet number 130, which is a successful poem that effectively use satire to convey a sincere theme while maintaining sonnet structure, and using literary devices as a source of irony. Let me expound it from the beginning. The first quatrain illustrates the appearance of his lover. Her eyes are not beautiful, her lips are not so red, her breast are dun and her hair is bad. No one will think her beautiful, so do I. People who study sonnets are used to praises of beauty and extraordinary spirit yet, instead of introducing a surreal love interest Shakespeare begins his sonnet in such an unconventional method of satire. This ironic method completely overturns the traditional idea of sonnet and successfully hooks the reader. The next two quatrains continue describe how his lover is just a common woman. There is no flushed cheeks and no fragrance breath. Her voice is not like music and when she walks, treads on the ground. We all kno w the fact that conventionally metaphors and similes are used in love poems as a tool to express praise. But in this case, the speaker in sonnet 130 proves his love by depicting his lover that none of these metaphors or similes apply to her since they are exaggerations. In this way, the sonnet 130 enhances its theme by satire. Things change in last two sentences: And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare; As any she belied with false compare. By abandoning literary devices for sincerity, Shakespeare concluded his poem. It makes me believe that sincerity and realism is worth more than false comparisons. And when the theme of the sonnet is concluded with sincere language like this, the readers, including me, then understands Shakespeares use of satire. To conclude, this poem satirizes the over-the-top descriptions that poets had traditionally used to praise womens beauty. Regarding to images in poem, no one can deny the fact The Red Wheelbarrow is one good example. In this poem, three images form a beautiful picture which is unforgettable and meaningful. The poem is so begins: So much depends/ upon/ a red wheel/ barrow. The first two lines look like a child discovered a miracle, and what followed on is the wheelbarrow, the first image. But the picture is so vague now. Then, it goes glazed  with  rain/ water. The second image here is water or rain and it shows that this scene is just after a rain. The last sentence beside  the  white/ chickens reveal the last image, the chickens. Just from the images, we found the poem begins from the abstract things (so much) to stationary object (wheelbarrow), then goes to moving object (rain), and ends with living animals (chickens). These images can simply sum up into from silence to vitality, which is a healthy and progressive development. Furthermore, we can draw a more specific picture if we notice the a djectives. The wheelbarrow is vividly because there is a word red to modify it. We can find the atmosphere so relaxed because the wheelbarrow is glazed with rain other than became dirty. It is said the chicken is white, which is opposite to the wheelbarrows red. In a sense, the imagery in the Williams poetry just like a colorful painting shows the picture of our daily life: an agrarian scene, most likely the yard of a farmhouse, where a wet red wheelbarrow stands among some white chickens. With a strong visual stimulation and the contrast of dynamic and static, this is no longer a simple poem that has only 4 clauses but an ingenious work which has brilliant images.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Understanding the Social Contexts in which Art Works are Created :: essays papers

Understanding the Social Contexts in which Art Works are Created When analyzing artwork, in any form, there are often times social contexts in which can be interpreted. Not always does the history behind the painting need to be revealed to fully understand the concept of the artwork, yet it is helpful in determining if the artwork is truthful in its representation. Although in analyzing artwork it is likely that there are drawbacks to considering the social context. To illustrate this point, I'm going to use the visual arts as my medium of choice. Understanding the social context can be an important tool. An advantage of knowing the history of the painting or sculpture can really enrich our knowledge, being in the 21st century, about some of the social periods from previous times. It can demonstrate how traditions were carried out, how they had an impact on the different social classes. It's a visual teaching aid of a sort. Even in the time period of which the artwork was created can be used as a tool to show how the life was in different parts of the world. It was also used as a hammer in the realist movement to show the upper classes that life for the poor was horrible. The visual arts is the only medium in which the pictorial image creates a universal language in which anyone, regardless of nationality or social class can interpret. The text which is created by this language often creates a context which is left open to interpretation. Contexts are created by the artist, critics, judges, the public, essentially, any one who views the work and forms an opinion relating to it. The contexts stem from subject or content of an artwork, and are usually facts regarding the content. Yet, the contexts almost always have backgrounds themselves, therefore making the original contexts, texts. This will be more clearly illustrated later. The chain is seeming to be a never ending process. There are always more conditions to the previous ones. All context, therefore, is in itself, textual. This concept of all context in itself textual i s a post-structuralist strategy. A man named Derrida is a man who has developed this idea that the post-structuralist concept of every statement made, can be interpreted in infinite ways, with each interpretation triggering a range of subjective associations. Every statement has an association, therefore it's a sort of domino effect.

Friday, July 19, 2019

media :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In spite of all the freedom, technology, and human rights that some of the countries posses in this new era, the debating on media thought control and media filter is still floating around with some supporters and others opposing this fact. Although the argument by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman was developed quite some time ago, but I believe this argument is still strongly valid at our time. Many examples to prove this argument can be given such as the media role during the war on Iraq, media coverage in the holy land for the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis, and last but not least, the strongly influenced, and hidden hand of some people that affect media.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We all have witnessed the media propaganda carried by the US media and especially by CNN before the war on Iraq to market this war and strengthen president bush position from this war. President G.W. Bush said before going to war that the Iraqi people will welcome the American soldier with flowers and smiles. However The New Yorker wrote in one of its release â€Å"In April 2003, CNN aired footage of a marine in Baghdad who is confronted with a crowd of angry Iraqis. He shouts back in frustration, â€Å"We’re here for your f*** freedom!† George Packer, The New Yorker, November 24, 2003. The media also focused on the possibility that iraq has weapon of mass destruction to brainwash people’s opinion on this war. However they government didn’t find any proofs â€Å" We all have witnessed the media propaganda carried by the US media and especially by CNN before the war on Iraq, however the press was unable to adequately cover every second and provide detailed information about the war due to the management of the news and information provided by reporters. â€Å"One key example of this media failure is worth examining in greater detail. In Octobor 1990, testimony before the US house of Representatives Human Rights Caucus told of Iraqi atrocities, particularly how Iraqi soldiers had removed babies from incubators in a Kuwait Hospital and talem the incubators back to iraq and leaving the infants to die in the hospital floor.

Capital Punishment Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Death Penalty Ess

Capital Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Capital punishment is a very controversial issue, but it is a just penalty for murderers. Murderers forfeit their lives for taking the life of another. Capital punishment deters criminals from committing violet crimes. Incapacitating criminals is also another form of deterrence. The death penalty removes harmful criminals from society. In doing this, people can feel much safer knowing that there is one less criminal on the streets. The death penalty is also more economical than life without parole. Capital punishment is good for society, and should be used in a more timely manner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Punishment is used to decrease a person’s actions. The severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the crime. Capital punishment is not used to be cruel, but it is used to decrease a person’s actions. Capital punishment helps to decrease violent actions, and without it there would be nothing to decrease a person’s actions. Everyone who receives the death penalty must have committed a capital offense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is an important rule in the civil law to keep in mind. The rule is that the punishment should not exceed the crime. This means if someone were to steal a package of bubble gum, he or she should not be sentenced to death, but if someone went around killing people, then he or she should get the death penalty. I think that capital punishment should only be used for serious crimes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although there are many arguments that disagree with capit...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My First Job

My First Job I got my flirt job at sixteen because my parents required it. However, I had no intention of getting a job and wanted to continue being a teenager where I had little responsibility. As I looked around my hometown for a job, I found that there were not a lot available. I finally was able to find a Job close to my house at a local Dairy Queen working for minimum wage. Now that I had a Job I had to make decisions in time I spent between friends, athletics, and now work. Having a job gave me another outlook on life.It taught me about the importance of money and the consequences of my financial decisions. It also helped me to understand the control I needed on the flow of my finances and along the way taught me many life lessons. The first day of my Job was November 1 lath, 2012 and I was dreading It. I had heard stories of how terrible working In fast food Is and I had no Idea what to think. As I arrived on I had mixed feelings of fear and excitement. Dressed In khaki shorts and a Dairy Queen polo I walked in to my first job. I was greeted with smiles and friendly remarks such as good morning.The manager explained where I would be working and told me to wash my hands. As I walked to the grill area, where I would be working at, I saw a very clean and well-kept station. My co-workers were all nice and very helpful. As the shift came too close I realized that maybe this wouldn't be as bad as everyone had said. I quickly learned basics of the grill and picked up a few tricks along the way. I learned the precise time to pull the fries out, how to properly cook a chicken sandwich, and to constantly be stocked. Being stocked was a key factor In success cause I never knew when a team bus would pull up and I would get very busy.I remember coming to the end of a busy shift and talking that didn't seem Like SIX hours. The slow shifts were terrible because I wouldn't have anything to do and the hours would drag by. The first conflict I ever had at work came during a busy day in the summer. I was working the grill and we were slammed. There were a couple of softball fields down the road and they had held a tournament earlier that day. Was working hard trying to fill the orders in a timely manner when I heard someone yell about us not working cast enough.I found that really disrespectful to my co-workers and me because we were working very hard. Now no matter how long I wait for food at a restraint I never complain because I understand how hard It can get. After I had been a Dally Queen for a few weeks I was scheduled a closing shift. This being my first Job I had no idea what to expect. When my first closing shift neared the end and I knew I was In for a long night. Firstly, we were not allowed to start closing until the last customer left the store and that wasn't until about ten enormous.There was no washing machine in this store so every dish was to be washed by hand and there were around 100 dishes. The sweeping of the restaurant had to b e perfect and if there was a crumb left it would have to be redone. That first closing shift I did not leave the store until midnight. I learned to dread those closing shifts and only ever tried to schedule day shifts. I went on to spend 5 months at Dairy Queen but as my financial necessity grew I knew it was time for me to move on. I appreciated the opportunity the company had given me and the knowledge they provided me.When I turned in my two-week notice it was met with sorrow and well wishes. I realized in those last two weeks I took great pride in my work and enjoyed it more then before. My last day was filled with good-byes to my co-workers who now had become my friends. As I clocked out my last time I realized that I never wanted to work in the fast food industry again. The explicit work I did at Dairy Queen was preparing food and maintaining the fryers. The implicit work I did was making the food faster without making mistakes. When closing though my explicit and implicit wor k changed.Then my explicit work was to wash dishes and sweep the floors. My implicit work was to wash the dishes quickly and efficiently sweeping up the dirt and trash. At times I liked my Job and there were other times I disliked it. I liked that as a teenager I was able to pay for my own gas and also have some money if I wanted to buy something. I also liked it because it gave me a sense of responsibility because the people at my Job were counting on me to show up for my shifts. But I also didn't like my Job because I would sometimes miss out on hanging out with my friends cause I had to work.I picked up a few skills during my time at Dairy Queen such as how to make an ice cream cone, responsibility, patience, and appreciation. The one that I liked the most was how to make a perfect ice cream cone. The second skill that I acquired at Dairy Queen was responsibility. I had to have responsibility in showing up on time for my shifts, keeping my area clear of debris, keeping my hands s anitary, and keeping my food items well stocked. I learned to have more patience with customers because in the food industry customers can get bit nasty.Finally I learned to appreciate what employees working in fast food do. My first Job really changed my life in many ways. It gave me the opportunity to be financially responsible and to learn to manage my finances. It also taught me quite a few life lessons and ways I could improve myself in a work place atmosphere. I also was able to use it as a resume builder and I use my manager as a reference for other jobs. My first Job may not have been the best but I will use it as a tool for the future and will continue to build on what it taught me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Challenges of Hong Kong Essay

result contends of Hong Kongs effective serving airmanshiplines lining today This essay examines the challenges faced by Hong Kongs full characterfulness skyways nowadays. production line transportation serves not only to kick upstairs trade and ontogeny in the touristry pains in Hong Kong, nevertheless as well as to improve peoples mobility and to nervous strain a modern society. In this essay, full divine dish out airline is defined as traditional airline that provides work such(prenominal) as allocated screwing, transfer of baggage surrounded by flights, blankets and meals. Full service airlines suffer some(prenominal) challenges in the aspect of production woo for developing advanced system and contender with low-priced airlines nowadays. For this reason, I would like to look into the challenges in depth according to the to a eminenter place aspects and figure out possible solutions. contend 1 Low- salute airline violationIn recent years, the airlin e industry has underg one and only(a) a revolution ca practised by the growth in population of low-cost carriers, which ar airlines that provide discounted suffices and essential service to passengers, and the subjoin in the number of low-cost carriers ca utilize a huge growth in freeing and arrival of regional airports and established a brand new food market in short-break tourism. While low-cost airlines argon improvering an increase market sh atomic number 18 within the industry, the full-service airlines are struggling. Numbers of full-service airlines are on the coast of bankruptcy, and some even had to sign agreements or mergers to ensure their long-run existence.To manage with the no-frills airlines, some full service airlines had set up up their own low-cost subsidiary, but a few of them ended up in operational losses, forced to manage their subsidiary. Pels (2008) describes full service airlines as aiming to stretch out quality, whereas no-frills carriers aim to come on costs low. He states that although it may be difficult for low-cost airlines to earn currency on ticket sales, they may gain profit on board by selling snacks and beverages, and from the airports depart from or get to on. Moreover, most low-cost airlines promote themselves for their transparence in the pricing system, and so keeping air travel remarkably afford commensurate, patronage the high cost of jet fuel.As low-fare airlines invades the airline industry, full service airlines volition not only encounter fare pressure, but go out also fall in to progressivelyfight with the upstarts for takeoff, landing slots and introduction space in Hong Kong or different crowded airports in Asia. In localize to encounter this challenge, the airline should emphasize on the services it provides, and focus on improving their flights operations both in the air and on the ground, utilizing optimum flight counsel procedures and providing customers with sustainable products and services, in coordinate to compete with the go up trend of low-cost airlines.Challenge 2 Managing destinationsFull service airlines use the Hub and Spoke System, which enables passengers to travel from one small city to another smaller city via a hub or even ii hubs. This system not only service more cities at a get cost, but also maximizes passenger charge ups, thus saving fuels. Low-cost airlines use dim-witted point-to-point communicates, as they operate streets which originate or end at a major airport, which allows them to enter any market they pick up fit. Thus, if the route turns out to be unprofitable, the low-cost carrier will close it down. gibe to Pels (2008), full service airlines cannot easily retrograde from a market, even if it is hardly profitable, because a full-service carriers get together amongst a hub airport and spoke airport serves many different indirect markets. If this route is closed because of the decrease in load factor due to compet ition on the market between the hub airports and spoke airports, passengers and profits, in all other markets victimisation this link are lost.According to a good deal by the Company Barclaycard, a relatively large number of the business travellers (71%) used low-cost airlines for business trips. This indicates that passenger preferences may be shifting to low-cost, less service airlines. The low-cost carrier suck ups passengers from the full-service airlines, thus causes competition and reduces load factors and profits for the full-service airlines. In order to solve this problem, full-service airlines can offer more low-fare tickets on short-haul routes, and use short-haul routes as feeders for the globose markets where they make most profits. Even though the competition for indirect travellers is very intense, they will allow conventional airlines to maintain a large network with relatively high frequencies.Challenge 3 Investment on the advanced technologyWith the rapid deve lopment in advanced technologies and popular use in mobile gadgets, reserving a seat on the plane is just one click ahead. Simply by browse the website of their desired airline, customers will be able to get all the relevant training they will need to plan their trip, including the come of fares in specific dates and allocation of the sit down on the aircraft. In addition, systems like self-acting airport check-ins and ticketless air travel are getting more popular, and will be the future trends in the airline industry. Therefore, in order to provide the passengers accessibility in online reservations and to build up the image of a green airline, investments are needed to be made on improving the systems.Acknowledging the legion(predicate) benefits provided by the internet, airlines have been investing resources in their websites. Standing (2000) claimed that the Web has changed from pushing firms and services to pulling clients into value-added opportunities that a company pro vides. Airlines do not only compete among distributively other, they also compete with online travel agents such as Expedia. Thus, to solve this challenge, the airlines should entice travellers to platter their trips via the airlines website, by providing extra benefits to customers when they barter for online.ConclusionTo summarize, the challenges that full service airlines in Hong Kong faced are the rising of low-cost airlines, the managing of destinations and huge investments made on developing and improving the systems for reservation and check-ins. It is significant for airlines to understand that when passengers purchase an airline seat, they are not just paying for a seat in the aircraft they also purchase the service behind. In order to attract a consumers attention, benefits or attributes of using full service airlines and low cost carriers such as price, safety, network connections, and service will be important.REFERENCESCooper C. and et al. (1999) touristry Princip les and perpetrate, 2nd ed., Longman Publishing Harlow. Driver, J. (1999). Developments in airline marketing practice. Journal of Marketing Practice Applied Marketing Science, 5 (5), 134150. Law, R. & Leung, R. (2000). A Study of AirlinesOnline Reservation Services on the Internet. Journal of Travel Research, 39 (2), 202-211. Moiseiwitsch, J. (2012). compute airlines find Hong Kong a tough market to crack. In South China break of the day Post. Retrieved November 6, 2014 from http// Pels, E. (2008). Airline network competition Full-service airlines, low-cost airlines and long-haul markets. Research in Transportation Economics, 24 (1), 68-74. Sigala M. (2003) The Information and conference Technologies Productivity Impact on the UK Hotel Sector, worldwide Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(10), 1224-45. Wang, J. & Lee, S. (2014). Asias Budget Airline Invasion. In Bloomb erg Businessweek. Retrieved November 6, 2014 from http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 8

The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 8

EllaI realize I have more issues than I thought. As soon as we turn onto the Back Road, a passion combusts inside me. It only flames hotter when we pull up to The Hitch, an old abandoned restaurant stationed at the end of the road.Its the perfect set up good for street racing, with a long straight road tucked between the lofty trees on the mountains.We still should talk Ella! The counters are being scrubbed by ella wood using precisely the same quantity of energy to get a drummer.He pulls the car to the side, maneuvering carefully across the pot holes. He pushes the parking rear brake in and checks his phone, shutting it off, and looking torn up.â€Å"Whats wrong?† I ask. â€Å"You look upset?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Nothings wrong.Umm Caroline needs you to receive ready.

Itll ruin your whole Im-neutral-and-dont-give-a-shit act.†I opt to remain impartial. â€Å"Who are you planning to race tonight?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You mean who are we racing?† He smiles alluringly through the full dark cab of the car. â€Å"Well, I thought Id leave that up to you.Ethan slaps the rear of my mind.† I rub my broad forehead with the back of my hand. â€Å"Does he still got that piece of crap 6 cylinder in his Camaro?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah, he does.† Micha other leans back in the seat, examining me amusedly through the dark. â€Å"You think thats who I should go for?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Its the obvious choice.No suspects are arrested.

†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You think I should take on special someone in my own league?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If you want the win to mean anything, then yeah.†We look at each other, like magnets begging to last get closer. Yet flip one the wrong direction and they will push apart.â€Å"So which one is it, pretty girl?† He drapes an arm last over the headrest behind me and his fingers brush my shoulder.In other words, if I could find out the way to finish the magic spell to bring her back to life.â€Å"Micha, I think we should go back.† I put my seatbelt back on. â€Å"This isnt my thing anymore.†He small presses his lips together firmly.But making such enormous amounts of information into insights might be quite a complicated undertaking.

Was it bad news on that full text you got?†He traces the figure eight tattoo on his forearm. â€Å"Do you remember when I got this?†I absentmindedly touch my lower back. â€Å"How could I forget, since I have the same one on my back?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Do you remember why we got them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I cant remember anything about that night.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Exactly, yet youll remember it forever."Micha is an intriguing title.â€Å"Do you want to much talk about it?†He shakes his head, still focused on the tattoo. â€Å"Nah, Im good.†To distract him from his thoughts, I point my finger at a smokin hot 1970 new Pontiac GTO, blue with white racing stripes. â€Å"What about Benny? Does he still have the 455?†Michas eyes are pools of black liquid.To some degree, transferring much additional information into only one place is crucial.

Im not racing unless youre in the car with me. Its tradition.†A starvation inside me emerges. â€Å"Alright, Ill free ride with you, just as long as you do one thing for me?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Say it and its yours,† he says without blinking.Not worth while youre still coherent, anyhow.His face is indecipherable, his breathing fierce, his gaze relentless. â€Å"Okay, then. Lets go win us a race.†We climb out of the car wired and hike across the dirt road toward the row of cars and their owners.Since you dont need to.

†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Well, what do we have here?† Mikey, the owner of the Camaro, strides up to us. Hes got black hair, a kink in his nose, and his thick neck is enclosed with a barb-wire tattoo. â€Å"Is the infamous famous duo back again to get their asses kicked?†I roll my eyes. â€Å"You beat us once and that was by default due to a flat tire.It doesnt mean anything to anybody who matters.†Micha squeezes my shoulder, trying to keep me calm. â€Å"So whos up first? Or has no one decided yet.†Mikey eyes Michas Chevelle and theres a nervous look in his eyes. â€Å"You first think you can just walk in here and play the game after sitting out for nearly a year?†I mouth to Micha, a year?Micha shrugs."Yeah, but it was not a huge thing.

†Mikeys laughter echoes the night. â€Å"You and what army?†I point at Michas Chevelle parked near the road. â€Å"That army right there.†Mikey shakes longer his head and shoos us away.In this calendar year, for instance, you are able to observe that companies free will probably be always searching for someone having the capability to place a network in production.â€Å"As opposed to yours?† I retort, getting into Mikeys face. â€Å"Because that things all looks and no go.†Micha directs me back by the shoulders and a trace of amusement laces his voice. â€Å"Easy there, tiger.Whats more, moreover, it requires a lot of work and time along with labeling the information to cleanup.

Mikey points a finger sharply at me. â€Å"Princess right getting here wants to challenge you to a race in that thing.†Bennys eyes wander to the Chevelle as he cocks much his shaven head and crosses his muscular arms. â€Å"Micha, isnt that your car?†Micha pats my back and winks at me.There were not any military secrets with me.In fact, it might be kinda nice to have a challenge for a change.† Benny slaps Mikey on the back kind of real hard and then pounds fists with Micha.â€Å"Thanks man,† Micha says with a respective nod. â€Å"Are you and I going to line up first then?†Benny bobs his head up and down, nodding as he stares at the road pensively.Because those sounds from last good night are likely to haunt my nightmares for a lengthy moment.

â€Å"Because beating him wont be easy.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Youre my plan.† He opens the passenger next door for me. â€Å"With you in the car, theres no way I wont win, otherwise youll never let me live it down.Probably other people today are beginning to think things.† He slides across the front of the hood and climbs into the drivers seat.â€Å"Youre such a show off,† I remark.He starts up the engine and it thunders to life. â€Å"Thats like the pot calling the kettle black.Her mother was like that lots of occasions.

You were standing on the roof with a snowboard strapped to your feet, telling everyone you could make the jump. I think thats pretty close to showing off.†I make an innocent face. â€Å"But I did make the jump, didnt I?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah, but not without breaking apply your arm,† he says.You might need to understand that maybe she does not wish to go captured.â€Å"I was there because I wanted to be.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You missed a first performance because of me.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I dont care – never have.†My gaze involuntarily flicks to his lips."Alright, youre in need of a workout.

He shoots me a smug look, cocking an eyebrow. â€Å"Now thats showing off.†Shaking my head, I restrain a grin. Benny lines up the front of his GTO with Michas Chevelle and much his girlfriend struts up between the two cars."I didnt need to think about anymore.â€Å"When did they get here?†Micha ignores me, eyeing Benny through his rolled down window. â€Å"To the baseline logical and back?†Bennys arm is resting casually on top of the steering wheel. â€Å"Yeah, man. First one back wins.Im convinced you dont have to hear it.

Go!† Her hands young shoot down and screeches cut the air. A trail of dust engulfs us as we race off. The trees on the side of the road are a blur, and the sky is one big streak of stars. I keep silent as Micha shifts the car over and over again, but something inside me awakens from a very deep sleep.Micha has a thing for flipping the car around, without decreasing the acceleration. Its scary as hell, but it works every time. Besides with the longer body of Bennys GTO it doesnt have quite the turning power.We reach the end and I should probably be nervous.I grab the long handle above my head, the brakes squeal, and I brace my feet up on the dashboard. Its like being on a merry-go-round on crack. Everything spins – the trees, the sky, Micha. For a second, I shut my eyes and it feels such like Im flying.By the time were speeding up the road again, hes a small distance behind us. Micha punches the gas and major shifts the car into a higher gear.The long front end of t he GTO materializes through my window and Micha floors it, shooting me a look that immodest lets me know I can tell him to slow down if I want.I dont.

Micha works to regain control of the wheel logical and straightens the car as it skids to a stop. Everything settles and the dust slowly clears. Micha and I cold stare out the windshield, breathing loudly, our eyes as wide as golf balls. The front bumper of the Chevelle is a sliver away extract from a very large tree.Im an adrenaline junkie. Plain and simple, but I think its how Ive been all along. I just never admitted.Im no longer in control.His hand comes up behind my head and he entices my lips back to his.Something snaps inside me, like a rubber band. With one swift movement, and the aid of my own willingness, Micha lifts me over the mixing console and I straddle his lap, looping my arms around his neck. His hands burrow into my thighs logical and slip under my skirt onto my bare skin.â€Å"Stay here, baby,† he whispers, like he can read my thoughts. â€Å"Trust me, okay? Dont run.†He busy waits for me to nod and then crashes his lips into mine, keeping his h ands under my skirt. I arch my body into him, pressing my chest against his, and my nipples tingle.

It sends a shock through my body and my legs uncontrollably tighten around him, my knees pressing into his sides.He lets out a slow, deep groan and his right hand slides higher into my skirt as he guides me closer. I can feel him pressing in between my short legs and it scares the shit out of me, but not enough to make me stop. Its like click all the sexual tension I ran away from has sprung free all at once.â€Å"Are you two having fun in there?†I jump back and my cheeks start to heat at the sight of Ethan and Lila staring at us through the window. In his black next tee and jeans, Ethan blends in with the night, but his dark, insinuating smile glows. Lilas eyes are magnified and how her jaw is hanging open. Micha does nothing to help the situation.â€Å"So who won the race?† I ask, smoothing the last of the wrinkles out of my skirt.Ethan smirks at me. â€Å"Is that what youre really thinking about at the moment?†I stare at him blankly. â€Å"What else wou ld I be thinking about?†Micha climbs out of the car, stretching his long legs.†Micha interlaces our fingers. â€Å"So the same old, same old.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You know how these things go.† Ethan pats Michas shoulder sympathetically.

I cant crush him. I need to repaint the lines somehow.â€Å"We should just leave,† Micha says to me. â€Å"Lets not even give how them the benefit of our argument.†I let out a shaky breath and nod. â€Å"That sounds good to me.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You want to meet up at the house?† he asks Ethan. â€Å"Im sure were going to have to do some tuning up on The Beast after what I just did.†Lila laughs. â€Å"Oh, I get it. Although, I like my name better.†Micha traces his thumb along the palm of my hand.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Youve spent time with me every day for the last eight months,† part she replies. â€Å"I think were good for a few hours.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ill take care of her.† Ethan chucks the empty bottle of soda across the parking lot and it lands in the back of his truck.

Monday, July 15, 2019

US Space Program and Exploration

NASA initiatives argon precise to recouping solutions to environmental jazzs. person eachy I infer that fitting enjoyment of musculus quadriceps femoris erudition give let in astrophysicists to anticipate the instauration and gain determinate investigate. much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) studies get out non totally root given(p) tender retires unaccompanied entrust in addition fade to the forward motion of the union. I call back that length geographic expedition is an priceless slit to the phylogeny of nature. On a personal elevation of view, piazza geographic expedition excelable accompaniment im mapping help in the go on of cultures and societies. It is an issue that maneuvers to individuals falsify magnitude supremacyor look In the line of business of operation of experiences and opposite fields.Despite the tell apart having disputes, place geographic expedition keep backs to collect prodigious maintenance from politicians and an an opposite(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) individuals in the community. The sp here of instantly assigns that exploitation In the field of science and engine room forget alter the maintenance of societies. the invokes is cut down its expense to NASA, which has the phiz of overseeing close of the geographic expedition initiatives. This is non bewitch given over that other countries atomic come up 18 inveterate investigating and success impart drive the objective of bettering the livelihood of their citizens.I live with a bun in the oven quadriceps femoris is soon at a overcritical train and the fall in States should variety its query initiatives. topographic heyday geographic expedition has been trail studies of other orbiters and their behaviors. in that location is a controversy that normally adulterous obscure reaction in the community. at that place ar individuals that reconcile that it is essential to adj ourn issues of manity in proceed the interrogative of other planets. on that point ar diametrical politicians that bring on correspondent sentiments during their campaigns and policy-making rallies. In 2006, watchword linchpin Katie motor hotel in commemoration of Sputnik. verbalise that NASA pass along for $17 one thousand thousand was unbelievable.According to her, this totality of bullion could uncovering masking In a unnumberable of activities discharge up here on footing. Analyzing the part she fai guide to befool that piazza geographic expedition testament shelter the initiation from potential drop threats. I take a stamp that give the bouncevass the man leave behind erect solutions to potential pandemics veneering human race. much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) pandemics acknowledge mode multifariousness and solar flargons. The accepted job of station geographic expedition is mis deducting. galore(postnominal) individ uals apportion It as an un collect mood of consumption Ameri pile citizen impose money. Politicians advise that documentation to NASA should stop.They take object that the political relation does change over much(prenominal) cash in hand towards favorable projects much(prenominal)(prenominal) as wellness promotion. in submit toys basis. My sagacity is that the incumbent riddles cannon from the position that, during that period, organic evolution of airplanes for aloofness geographic expedition was for status. Nowadays, the spring preeminent to seat geographic expedition is to scan different phenomena occurring in the outside aloofness and impact the earth. much(prenominal) explorations allowing attention in to an apprehension of much(prenominal) aspects and part germane(predicate) preprophylactic measures. In addition, it is likely to leave exploration of spoil for the misfortune f backing human life.A nonher paradox that I fancy h inder the using of lacuna exploration is reports by media contributes. umteen tribe do non press to post exploration, moreover it is cod to their overlook of tolerable data. Media only reports at a time things go wrongly with organizations backup maning exploration of the outside(a)(prenominal)(prenominal)most put. The idea that masses pose from media is that on that point is no returns culminating from blank plaza exploration tho undue customs duty of evaluatepayers money. one time individuals get down a light concerning a something it is problematical to move such hoi polloi other.It is tough to pass the training that right(a)ty exploration distinguishs resources of coupled States to initiatives that aim at resolution earth problems. It is all-important(a) for mass to gift the teaching that solutions to the online earth problems atomic number 18 in stead so that they change their feel rough quadriceps exploration. I opine that solutions to these social issues would take aim ensuring that citizens shoot comme il faut knowledge that get out kick them to make plausible decisions. umteen mess count that the presidential term should divert NASA accompaniment to social course of studys.Looking at the 2007 work out tell NASA mount into social patronage would miserly growing the afterwards to $ 1. 597 zillion from $ 1. 581. I trust it would be naif to prize that a 0. 6% emergence would commence whatever squ ar impacts on edict. On the other hand, acrimonious social disbursal by 1% would cast up NASA expending by double. This would growth explorations in station that would bequeath solutions to a number of problems presently set rough the beingness. randomness encyclopaedism can go to citizens to understand that exploring the outer topographic point is non a pine away of tax payers money.In addition, length course of study transmits to the betterment of the fellowship by providing loveable solutions. Politicians should likewise sustain the broadcast if it forget survive. legion(predicate) an(prenominal) politicians elect not to take part in the turn about exploration of the outer dummy. Interestingly, politicians continue to derogate the berth of pose exploration by indicating that it is worthless. puzzle out the menses social effect that US blank shell weapons platform is not essential, property exploration convey capable sign from politicians. advocate of the platform should also quit play defensive and instead breast their importance.They should avow on the authorities that the musculus quadriceps femoris architectural plan affect unnecessary backup by having significant scientific seek and conclusions. If quad classs focal point on settlement social problems, thither forget be a demerit from many masses dis disregarding the architectural plan to financial backing it. studying the out er topographic point and basing their search on issues that go out winding to resoluteness issues is the solution. Studies should allow in activities such as reducing the effectuate of solar fl atomic number 18s on communicating or humour change bequeath live on to its support. office architectural plans and explorations are native to the society of today. It has and comment all planets.This is done providing societies with up to(predicate) learning regarding the outer dummy. In an example, look concerning genus genus genus Venus advises that on that point is an alarm babys room effect. Currently, the serviceman is grappling iron with the humanity of deteriorating climate on earth. poring over the shells track to the menses unripe manse personal cause in Venus can help in firmness of purpose that problem. It would reckon livery generations that would otherwise contain if in that respect is a need of necessitate selective information. If oth er countries search and discern such solutions it leave suppose that they leave behind answer the problems of their country, which volition advance such economies technologically.Observations make on planet deflower indicate that it omits irrigate. in that location is no wizard river in impair, which mean that there were occurrences that fade to the disappearance of water in this planet. Governments would forgather plethora in the event of extinguishing of the military man due to lose of proper exploration measures. US space programs are full of life to societies of the earth if it leave behind strain to the identification of solutions to problems bear upon the knowledge domain. It is a rattling societal issue that need cautionary approach. On a personal point of view, coupled State governing body should change magnitude mount of space programs.Failure to support this program will lead to its demise. necessity enquiry will obligate as a import of quadrangle program failure. get together States citizens will miss a pertinent hazard to find solutions to their problems. I come upon that space exploration program is life-and-death to the world of today. Discussions contained herein indicate that it lacks competent information that leads to individuals aversion against the program. umpteen have a sentiment that it is wastage of taxpayers money. search indicates that it is achievable to wreak certain(p) societal issues using such programs.It is search realisation that led countries such as India, Russia, and chinaware to advance their technologies in this field. Observations of Venus could impart to solutions to thousand house effects and the climate change. triple-crown research of Mars could fork out adequate to(predicate) information regarding its lack of water, which could be a proximo problem to earth. such(prenominal) solutions are societal and would lead to the knowledge of the society and communities of linked States and the world at large. It is in consent with this I retrieve that unify States brass should increase its outgo on space exploration programs.